Monday, April 20, 2009

10 (or more) things about U...

This little piece is dedicated to my love, my darling Hubby... Azman Mohd Ariff....
Baby, you....

1- are a so very highly effective Salesman ... no doubt this special skill makes u the best among the best in town, but sorry... it doesnt work on me.... I know each time when u tried to kelentong me, saying u r on the way to pick me up...whereas sbnrnye baru nak turun lift ofc u tu....

2- are a loyal, caring and loving Virgo. U love me and I know it is pure.... u give me super extra attention and care... macam bidadari, and I appreciate tat so very much wpun slalunya I dont express them like you always did.

3- are very particular on your appearance. U want to look best at each second, termasuk masa nak tido. I like that but there were times when I don't...everytime u take so long to get ready... lepas solat subuh I saw u in front of the mirror put on ur hair wax, I pegi bilik blkg iron baju... done with all the baju, masuk bilik I saw u still doing ur hair, now pakai hairdryer I pulak, I purposely berdiri sebelah and minta the hairdryer to do my hair... U get dress... kalau baju tu I iron tak betul u akan pegi iron lagi skali. Then myself dah ready dressed up, I kemas katil, and again u berdiri dpn mirror sambil betul2kan rambut u, I siap kemas katil... u masih lagi dpn cermin... dan bermulalah ceramah subuh I, dr Kelana Jaya sampai Menara Celcom....sorry sayang, sometimes I tot u purposely want me to give tat ceramah subuh...

4- are very patient. U adalah diantara few people yg I pernah jumpa yg sgt penyabar. I respect u for tat. U balance me a lot coz I am a worrier, sgt tidak penyabar dan I would say menggelabah. U sgt cool at most of the times, which I personally think it would harm you in some circumstances. U claim, ppl like you lead a healthier life... sbb tak membesar2kan benda yg remeh. In a way, it is very true... tp ada masa2nya I rasa u ignorant pada benda2 yg important... hmmmmm but anyway, I've learnt, semua org ada cara masing2, once we decide to love and live with another human being, we have to tolerate. Memang rasanya u look young (awet muda) sbb sikap 'cool' u tu...nampaknye I lah yg akan nampak tua sblm usia...tak kisah lah...janji u byr supply Amway nutrilite multivitamins every month.

5- are a Manchester United Die Hard Fan. What more can I say... U put so much effort -to set the alarm at 4:30am to watch the games... text few friends to wake them up, watching the games alone while makan kacang cap tgn favorite u tu... and the next morning I love waking u up asking the result...kalau menang, cepatlah u bangun.. seronoklah u bercerita...kalau MU kalah, u tutup muka u dgn bantal...then reject semua phone call dr kawan2 u yg call to kutuk MU.... :D

6- used to ring me up 1000 times a day at my office and that makes my office extension is the busiest phone among all- mengalahkan customer service. If there's no answer you will dial my mobile no.1, then if still no answer, here go my mobile no.2. We had a big arguement on this, I can still remember... I marah sgt becoz there was 1 day, I had a serious discussion with my colleagues, at my place. My extension rang, I knew its you... I didn't answer, coz the discussion was much more important. U tried for 3 times. Then u call my mobile 1 then mobile 2. That was so annoying. Since then, after the big war, kita buat syarat. If any of us dont answer a call, just SMS. And the other party need to reply the SMS a.s.a.p. If any of us call, and the other party answer but can't talk long, the other party must respect the request, and that person need to call back once he/she is free. Alhamdulillah, so far so good...wpun ada masa you wanted to apply your salesman skill, yg tak paham2 org tgh busy...nak cuba juga continue the conversation...

7- love acknowledgement. Biasalah... a true Virgo. Kalau u puji I, mesti lepas tu u sambung...."macam I..."

8- suka sambal udang... and apa2 saja sambal. Tp masalahnye, sambal lah yg paling I tak reti masak. Takpe, now you dah start suka asam pedas... and I hope one day I can cook the best sambal for you...

9- tak suka bila weekend U tak boleh sambung tido lepas Subuh... so sorry sayang... I am a morning person, and I love waking up early morning to watch the sunrise, tgk langit merah kat belakang Giant tu fr our balcony...or to have bfast dgn mak and ayah... semua tu best to do with you... tapi lately ni, bila dah masuk 8 bulan ni, I need to sleep more, or else I'll be tired the whole day... and I know, inilah masa yg u paling suka... u boleh sambung tido dgn aman damai lepas subuh....:D

10- ringan tulang. U sentiasa ada untuk bantu I dgn house chores. I memang sgt beruntung... sbb I tahu tak ramai lelaki yg rajin mcm U... U memang mcm Ayah u....

Ada byk lagi I can write about you...let this be the Version #1.
To my sayang, you are the best thing ever happened to me. Love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo muccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Since last I blog, there were so many important things happened in between.
It’s Friday… April 3rd 09. Am retrieving my office mails fr my dad’s streamyx… (laju sket nak compare to my Broadband… sbb kat Bahau ni takde 3G. Edge connection pun intermittence).
I am on MC for a week since Monday. Kenape? Ok lah, at last I have to admit the truth that I am stubborn. Sebenarnya all this while aku mmg aware yg aku mmg mcm smua org bg tahu dr kecik…DEGIL… but biasalah… in denial…hehehe. Reason yg aku pegang is always- if in cases yg aku degil tu, just because aku confident yg apa yg aku buat tu tak akan menyusahkan anyone else (but me), and kalau aku dpt susahpun, I can deal with it tanpa menyusahkan sesapa…hehehe.
Back to the story – knapa aku dpt MC seminggu…
Punca nye aku bleeding…to make it more dramatic; it happened in Bandung…BOLEH? Trip to Bandung; aku yg plan… Bila dah masuk 2nd trimester, aku rasa sgt bertenaga… and aku start fikir; bila aku deliver nanti, aku dah tak bole nak travel mcm selalu…at least till the baby dah besar sket…kalau nak travel jugak mmg lah boleh, tp it wont be as same as NOW; so free and easy.
So, aku plan dua trips for me and hubby… memula Langkawi, then Bandung. For Bandung we invited family sebelah hubby yg minat nak join…the more the merrier.
10th to 12th Mar me and hubby went to Langkawi. Kita plan for a trip yg mmg utk REST & RELAX. Yelah, since honeymoon in Phuket we were so busy with work and fmly…mana ada amik cuti to rest. Cuti pun mmg busy dgn weddings and fmly gaths. Kalau tak, balik KJ berkemas rumah je lah. So we checked in Berjaya Langkawi. My baby was so kind to treat me with great food and good car. Memang aku plan nak rest, but biasalah, for me satu jam duduk diam tak buat apa2 pun dah cukup membosan kan…so plan ‘rest and relax’ telah bertukar menjadi ‘shopping’…hahaha…My darling hubby dah start bising sbb aku tukar plan…I shouldn’t be shopping…tp biasalah, DEGIL.
Started dr situ lah aku rasa puncanye aku bleeding.
As doctor said, aku tak cukup rest. Mana tak nya, I keep pushing my limits…dr pagi keluar shopping, kaki dah bengkak2 and rasa nak putus tp aku rasa aku larat lagi nak jln… aku keep jln…
Balik dr Langkawi, we have a mission to complete. Beli brg2 baby… so two consequent weekends kita sibuk jln dr pg sampai mlm @ IKEA, d Curve, OU and Jln Kuchai Lama utk cari every baby stuffs in my list. Everytime balik dr shopping, mcm tak tahu penat, I will continue dgn berkemas rumah... aku ni bukan lah org yg rajin, tp sejak pregnant ni jadi rajin semacam je...hopefully my lil baby dlm perut ni akan sama rajin mcm ibu dia nanti. My darling hubby dah bising suruh aku rest, tp aku buat2 tak dgr je...The target was to buy and settle everything before I depart to Bandung… so lepas balik dr Bandung I can sit quietly and focus to my work, cari bibik and buat amal ibadat supaya senang nak bersalin nanti…itu lah initial plan nye.
On 25th Mar morning, we arrived Bandung. Apa lagi, shopping lah… HEAVEN. 2nd day, jln2 ke Tangkuban Perahu, then sambung shopping. 2 hari jln non stop mmg penat tp best. Abg Lan, Along, Mak smua worry tgk aku jln mcm org tak pregnant, diorg byk kali sound aku suruh jln slowly…ye lah, aku pun perasaan, kalau in a group, aku yg akan jln dpn skali sbb yg lain smua jln slow…bukan sbb aku jln laju tp sbb aku kalau dpt shopping mmg lupa diri.
Mlm, aku dah nak tido, pegi toilet tgk bleeding…OMG!!! Panik mcm nak mati… ye lah, the scariest thing happened to me, itulah perkara yg aku keep praying semoga Allah jauhkan esp bila aku kat Bandung… aku bgtau hubby while crying… masa tu mcm2 perasaan ada, rasa bersalah kat baby yg paling kuat. God is great (always), Hubby’s cousin who is also joining the trip ada few Malaysian friends in Bandung yg dah jadi doctor. They all yg bawa kita ke hospital. Buat detail check up…dr 12am till 5am baru semua settle. Through the ultrasound, doctor found out that lil portion of my placenta dah turun ke birth canal, due to ‘kecapekan’ hehehe penat lah tu….hmmm so nothing else to do but for me to bed rest. So I wasted 2 days of my shopping trip…org2 lain seronok lah sambung shopping. Sampai KL on 28th , aku ajak hubby pegi jumpa my gynea… as expected, same thing, kena warded…2 days then I was discharged but still doctor asked me to bed rest for a week. So here I am at my parents’. My darling hubby yg suggested me to rest here… kalau kat Bangi or kat KJ confirm langkah aku panjang, kwn2 pun dekat…office pun dekat. Kat sini mmg betul2 rest… mcm puteri raja…sampai dah naik bosan. Aku nak tolong sidai kain pun tak boleh…nak bagi ikan dlm pond mama tu mkn jgn harap lah…paling best pun aku dpt menyakat anak2 buah aku. Nasib baik ada PC abah ni…layan lah jugak memblog ni.
Anyway, aku sgt berterima kasih dgn pengajaran yg Allah bg pd aku. At last aku accept yg aku ni degil and aku tak boleh degil lagi. Aku kena belajar ikut cakap org lain. Tak dpt gambarkan betapa takutnya aku bila bayangkan anything can happen to my baby. I was crying my heart out … sbb aku rasa sgt bersalah pd my baby. I hv started to accept that I am not living this life for myself alone now… I hv to be responsible to every action I take coz it affects the life of my loved ones. So kwn2 yg degil jugak mcm saya ni… cuba dengar bila org lain nasihat…org nasihat sebab org care pasal kita, bukan suka2 nak membebel ok…:D