Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quick Updates!

Been very busy... here are highlights of the past and current ..(hahaha mcm bagus je...):-

1- Eidul fitri celebration was awesome. A week break fr work gave me the opportunity to be busy with family affairs. I got to visit uncles and aunties with the whole family, which I didn't get the chance to do it during last eid. I can say it was the best Eid ever...:D

2-My maid got her off days as well. It was a mistake I guess, giving her long break has turned her to a less efficient maid- started to give so much excuses for things she didnt execute, dah pandai menjawab, talked over the phone in the kitchen when I asked her to heat all the lauks...so in return, she got it fr me. Everytime buat salah, kena sound. Dapat cash je. So she got fed up coz she thinks apa dia buat semua salah... and till one day we received an SMS fr her husband requested for 2 weeks leave for her wife sbb anak nak kawen. Bermula lah mcm2 drama... and kesimpulan nya, I had enough with maids dr seberang ni. And if I were to keep her, and terus bersabar dgn perangai dia, semata2 sbb memikirkan anak2 je. Ya Allah, hanya Engkau yg mampu memberi segala kesabaran yg aku perlukan...

3- If she doesn't return to me, I decided to send Humairah n her adik (soon) to Raniya, have already got them in the waiting list...paling cpt Jan 2011 for Humairah. Tp my darling hubby tak agree coz he doesnt think I can manage to handle two of them when at home. Humairah belum 2 tahun when she gets her adik nanti. Mana dgn nak handle baby lagi, and dia tgh lasak...and definitely next year will be a busy year for DH. He'll be spending most of time kat luar rumah lepas ofc hour, that means I have to be alone handling dua beradik tu. Satu, larat ke? Dua, leaving only 3 of us at night, kat rumah baru yg sgt sunyi sekeliling nya adalah tidak masuk akal bg DH. So he still wants us to have a maid, tp I had enough with Ind*ns already. So, alternatively, if she doesn’t show up after her long break, we’ll opt for Philipino. Mmg la salary diorg expensive, tp bila kira balik hantar 2 kids to Raniya, it costs us about RM1k. Byr Philipino lebih sikit, rumah dan pakaian semua terjaga, and anak2 ku akan ckp omputih lah hahahaha. Cuma satu ni je, nak dpt yg muslim mmg susah… tp kalau niat kita baik, Allah mesti bantu kita. Bila lah nak realize plan Felda nak train and supply local maids. Bayar lebih pun aku sanggup. And ultimate target…When lah I can resign fr corp world ni? Jadi housewife, jaga and besarkan anak2 dgn tangan sendiri?

4- Politikus di ofc. This was uninvited. And worse, it affects me directly when I am not aware of it. Remember the new boss? Itulah, jgn cpt percaya dgn 1st impression.I’ve learnt my lesson. A new girl fr his ex-company was introduced to me on one fine Friday. She’ll be joining our team. Monday I was on MC, and my staff text me, informing me all of us (me and my staffs) will be reporting to the new girl. And when I returned to work, he informed me that there are changes in Org Chart. Yes, all of us will report to the new SM. Worst, he pull me out fr my box and put me to a new one, doing a new portfolio…ALONE, no staff. According to him, he has started interviewing new faces to replace me. WHAT???? I was mad. Maybe he didn’t expect such respond fr me. I told him my disappointments straight away. Many of them. I asked him why he did that? Dia ada prob ke dgn aku? Am I not capable at his view? He said NO. He knows I AM GOOD, so he wants me to move to another area that is more challenging. He did that for my career benefits, yea right! Don’t you have brain to at least ask my opinion and get my consent in prior? I was really upset. Why don’t you just tell me that you need good justifications to bring your good friend in, with higher post, big money…so you have no other way but to get all of us to report to her. Kan senang…tak payah nak corner banyak2.
At this point, I just don’t care about it…penat dah fikir… all this while I’ve been working so hard and sincere- yes I do, if not takkan lah aku promoted kan?, tp aku jugak yg jadi mangsa. Betul2 mcm Belanda mendapat tanah. I guess, this is not a place for me anymore. Looking forward for a change. I don’t want to waste my time working with people who just wanna use my advantage for their benefits. I’ve learnt so much fr this incident. Thank you Allah. Just one thing, I really hope before I go, I can realize my plan for my staffs…wooppsss Ex Staffs…semoga diorg akan dpt apa yg hak pd diorg. Tataulah, dgn boss baru, belum tentu staff career advancement menjadi sesuatu yg penting pd dia. Help me God.

5- Humairah hospitalized due to High Fever. Owhhhh … was spending 4 nights and 4 days at Tawakal. Kesian Humairah… but Alhamdulillah, she’s recovering fast. Biasalah, anak ibu kuat semangat…sakit mcm mana pun active nye masih sama. Dgn dada yg wheezing, masih lagi nak berjalan satu hospital…”Nat Tuar…Nat Tuar…” (nak keluar)…pegi visit Arissa, kembar tak seiras dia tu yg juga admitted…

6- Had a very bad constipation while I was taking care of Humairah in hospital. Siksa sgt bila sembelit masa pregnant ok. I made a conclusion- It was all “stress” or “pressure” or whatever u call it. Yelah, dah lah maid buat hal…kat ofc satu hal…Humairah plak tak sihat….mmg complete set. Seriously, I managed to solve the constipation prob, yea, eat lots of papaya and drink lots of plain water. Cuma the stress last for 2 weeks… betul2 stress. Kesian baby in my belly… semasa mengandungkan dia, mcm2 perkara yg berlaku and I have lost focus on him/her. Bila sedar hakikat ini lah I suddenly decided to be positive again. Bukan senang… tp bila kita buat kerana niat yg baik, Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan. Now I hv clear my mind fr all the negative tots and avoid those ppl yg boleh mendatangkan marah. I still cant avoid some faces, so what I did, everytime pegi keje, aku niat yg aku pegi ofc utk siapkan segala keje yg Allah pertanggung jwb pd aku. And at the same time I put effort to speed up my transfer process. Semoga Allah permudahkan. Supaya ibu ada byk masa utk baby dlm perut ni ok.

7- Talking about the peanut#2, last check up doc actually scan to confirm the gender. Tapi sikecik ni terkepit2 malu plak…so tak Nampak but doc kata nampak mcm girl. Ibu tak kisah boy or girl…janji sihat and sempurna….:) cant wait for next check up…harap2 bole confirm…now dah 6 mths...adehhh bertambah mengah bila berjalan.

8- Despite semua ujian yg Allah turun kan tu, I can be happy with one thing. Our new home dah siap. YEAY!!! At least I can go shopping for this new house…what a therapy…Thank you Allah.