semalam we went for check up at PUSRAWI, our first visit there. Its not fair to compare the service level we had in Gleneagles with PUSRAWI as both are not in a same league, but anyway, I guess I like Dr Salleh as much as Dato' Dr Aziz... wpun Dr Salleh tak dpt Dato' lagi, he makes me forget all my grievances on the customer service earlier on while waiting for my turn to see him.
So this is how our baby looks like at 6mths old in my womb. She was as usual... soooo very active....tak duduk diam. Now, bila dia dah makin besar, of coz my belly expands, then nak tidur mlm pun agak susah nak cari the best position... always sakit belakang... conclusion nya, tidur mlm slalu tak lena...and that makes me so tired and sleepy as early as 9:30pm.
But my appetite is at peak. Eating whatever I want... since last check up I gained 2 kilos...hehehhe...betul lah mama cakap, 'nanti tunggu lah 6th or 7th month...kemaruk nak mkn!' dia komen masa aku complaint tak selera nak makan masa early pregnancy.
My baby besar plak dah tak berselera nak mkn mcm dulu2... bagus lah tu, kalau tak risau jugak tgk perut dia sama2 naik dgn perut aku...:) Now kitorg dah start survey brg2 baby...and definitely will start buying by end of this month.. ;) Bonus pun baru dapat...hehehe...(saaayaanggg Celcom...)
8th March, my younger sis nak bertunang. So tomorrow I'll be heading south... tak sabar... nak balik berkumpul dgn family... seronok. Macam hari raya plak rasanya...
To my sis Nur, I hope this will be the beginning of your never ending happiness...AMIN.
makan je babe... cuma elakkan coffee kalau boleh and salty food (fun fries tu kalau boleh stay away) sebab all these caffeine and salts are retaining water in your body... coffee ambik tu boleh but three times a week tu limit je lah..
for me, all these fats and carbs boleh hilang.. nanti time confinment, buat betul betul.! pakai bengkung.. bertungku.. berranggang or tangas... pantang jangan minum air sejuk.... and the MOST IMPORTANT THING, menetek !!!! itu pasti akan kuruskan badan..
enjoy your pregnancy..... it's the best time of the life.. ( i dare say now.. waktu mengandung rasa nak cepat cepat je.. kakakah)
apa lah word verifiction ni profecow.. macam professor cow sahaa
hehehe...thnx for the advise Sha... haiiii nak berpantang ni yg panic ni....dah lama aku tahan nak minum air kelapa dgn mkn durian ni...durian yg paling tak tahan...adeiii...
wrod verification aku "slyte"...mcm sylverster stallone...apa daaaa
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