2- At about 2 months she gurgles and coos... bukan sikit2 tp becok sangat! Dah 2bulan lebih sikit, dia borak baby talk dgn kita siap ketawa2 lagi...
3- at 2.5mths she started to flip (meniarap...)and when lying on her tummy she can hold her head steadily and can lift his head and shoulders sambil goyang2 kaki (mcm nak berenang). i witnessed her 1st meniarap through our 3G eye. Our maid resigned b4 i started working (after cnfinmnt) so sementara nak dpt alternative me & DH gilir2 cuti jaga Humairah. When DH jaga Humairah, I dial up our 3Geye to see what's happening at home. Tiba2 I saw Humairah meniarap dgn susah payah nak angkat kepala yg dah terjerumus kat tilam lepas dia berjaya memusingkan badan... I was so shocked and panic terus call my DH. Rupa2nya DH kat dapur tgh nak masak air, terus pegi tgk Humairah...and he actually dengar Humairah bersuara mcm bersusah payah, mcm meneran2 gitu...rupa2nya cubaan meniarap. I tot its a fast one...2.5mths dah meniarap... ni gambar Humairah meniarap - among the attempts masa memula blajar lah...

4- At 3mths she started rolling over... and she started to having flu every now and then...4months plus she was admitted kat Tawakal and kena go trough suction and nebulizer...kesian sgt...ni gambar kat hospital...
5- I started intro her solid food when she reaches 5 months, sbb susu seemed never enough for her. She was exclusively breastfed fr birth till 3 months, lepas raya, terpaksa campur coz Humairah refused to have frozen bm. tak sedap kot...puas dah paksa... so membazir je berpuluh2 oz i stocked up during confinement. bila 4 mths plus mcm dah tak cukup2 minum susu esp at night, pada hal siang at least 12oz bm plus 6 to 8 oz formula dia minum, so Mama pun advised to try solid on her... her 1st bite was farleys biscuit campur bm... :) dia marah2 coz lambat sangat dia nak telan sbb kaedah menyudu agak lambat compare to minum susu...ni gambar dia trying theething biscuit, on her 1st day of solid food...and also a recent photo of her makan bubur sampai comot... she really enjoy makan...
6- She started crawling steadily at 5.5mths. Abis satu rumah dia explore....
7- 6months ngam2 dia tumbuh gigi...gigi bawah...a week after that tumbuh satu lg gigi...yeay!!! patut lah she demam and merengek ngada2 everynight a week before that...ni gambar nak tunjuk gigi but cannot see larrr...
8- Now at 6 months plus dia dah start nak berdiri, now dah pakai walker yg Bank Muamalat bg masa birth...Humairah paling suka nak bergayut kat tv rack, so we dont dare to leave her alone in front of the tv anymore...kitorg buka balik playpen yg dah bungkus hari tu and put her in there while we solat or bz at the kitchen...tp kejap je lah, dia senyap playing wth her toys like 3 mins then menjerit2 minta keluar.... ni gambar2 si kecik in her playpen....

ahhhhh lega.... dah siap buat notes ni...dr dulu nak buat sbb takut lupa...so tats for birth to 6mths development. for 7mth to 12th mth tatau lah lagi , kan.... :)
to humairah, awak buat ibu jadi rajin dan lebih responsible dan lebih sensitive and lebih byk membebel...hahahhaha....u have changed me sayang. ibu sayang humairah sangat2...
to abah humairah, although i asyik membebel lately, u hv to know tat u r the best! kalau ada pertandingan suami terbaik, u mesti menang no 1. love u so much...
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