Friday, April 23, 2010

Things in my Handbag (tat i use for ofc)

Since handbags ada few... yg gi ofc lain, yg jln2 dgn anak lain -as yg ni yg can muat 2 diapers, botol susu etc, yg pegi dating hari ni our featured handbag is the one I use for ofc...chewaahhh...

Ini adalah bag cap ayam yg I bought fr Jakarta. Whats inside? Lets have a look....hehehe...

1- My Blackberry...zaman batu. Its BB Curve the 1st version. She's like my bfren, cant live without her. Wpun dah byk kali buat hal, I dont think now is the best time to request for a new one fr my HR as Humairah loves it so much. Dia suka tekan2 sesuka hati as well as baling sesuka hati. Biarlah i pakai yg ni sampai tak bernyawa..
2-My Nokia XpressMusic my 2nd phone/ personal phone. Jarang2 sgt berbunyi, berfunction hanya sebagai camera digital and vcam. Walaupun it has limited function, it is very very very important for me esp when I am at work... i use this phone to monitor my bibik and to watch my Humairah at home through my Mobile Eye Surveilance Camera. Kalau2 rasa rindu je kat Humairah I'll dial the Mobile Eye wat she's doing at home. Kalau tak tido, most of the time she'll be watching TV.

3- Tats my make up bag. Cantik kan? hehehe perasan. Tp mmg I love it so much. Make up bag mmg kena sentiasa dibawa di dlm handbag pada hari bekerja, walaupun kita malas make up...ia adalah Rule Kehidupan hehehe. Kenapa? Sbb... emergencies always happen. Contoh2 emergency:- Tiba2 ada meeting, which attendees nya adalah ex boyfriend ataupun ex girlfren partner kita....hehehehe, itu hanya contoh ok....but reality nye, everyday I put on make ups early biasanya, lepas Zuhur, malas sgt nak re-apply, tapi kena jugak (tu sbb kena bw make up bag everywhere we go) sbb ada meeting, or kwn2 sekeliling smua cantik2 hari tu, or lepas keja nak pegi jln kemana2 or a day before my darling husband complained "u ni kalau dgn i tak make up pon...." huhuhuhu...
4-Itu adalah tag kerja saya... perlu disimpan di dalam handbag, tp selalu tertinggal bila tukar handbag. Kalau tertinggal, makcik guard mesti sound. Dulu2 kalau tertinggal ada gak berlakon buat2 cari dalam bag konon2 ada bawak tp susah nak cari, tp bila dah selalu sgt, trick tu makcik tu dah tahu now, once masuk keta je, terus simpan tag kat tepi handbreak...itu takkan tertinggal wpun tukar handbag.
5- Eventhough I dont drive to work, I have this in my handbag everyday. Kalau tertinggal satu bunch kunci2 ini di rumah, I'll die! hehehe...kerana bersama kunci kereta itu, terdapat kunci locker & drawer ofc saya. Jika keduanya terkunci, sy tidak boleh bekerja. Pernah juga 3, 4 kali tertinggal di rumah, dan sy terpaksa meminta suami tercinta pegi ambil dan ada juga occassion yg sy kena balik sendiri ambil kunci...sbb dah tak kuasa dia nak layan.
6- Handcream yg sgt penting. Yg selalu digunakan utk kaki skali dan kdg2 guna kat muka (hehehe) bila terlupa bawa moisturizer. Bekerja di dalam aircond membuatkan kulit kita kering, jd bagi perempuan2 yg sudah reach 30s, sgt perlu memakai segala2 cream dipasaran.

7- Ni body cream. Jarang pakai tp sgt berguna bila makan lunch guna tangan, tetapi setelah disabun byk kali, bau belacan tanak jugak inilah penyelamat utk kekal wangi sepanjang hari...:)

8- Tissue...sgt penting bila kakak cafe atau kedai kedekut tissue. Atau tiba2 baca forwarded email yg sedih kat blackberry, pastu ter-emo sampai nangis2...

9- Pen...ini pen yg digunakan utk activity harian...seperti menulis borang nak kluar duit kat bank, sbb slalu pen yg kat bank tu tak de ink or ink dia tak best or semua org guna...juga digunakan utk listkan brg2 nak beli kat pasar tani yg biasanya teringat secara tiba2....

10- Wallet/Purse...of cozzzzzz...

itulah brg2 dlm my handbag. sikit je...wpun sikit kdg2 lupa/tertinggal jugak....hehehe...

Friday, April 16, 2010

I want tat frame in my parents' room

It (the frame) has been there on the wall of my parents bedroom eversince the long term memory of my brain started working. I always attracted to it...even when I still cant recognize alphabs.When I grow older, and started to understand that the frame means a lot to my mother. It translates her hopes and needs. That is why it is so special to me... very special. It carries so much stories of our life. The ups and downs. The laughters and tears as well as fears...

"The Art Of Marriage"by Wilferd A. Peterson (longer version)

Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens.

A good marriage must be created.

In the art of marriage the little things are the big things...

It is never being too old to hold hands.

It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day.

It is never going to sleep angry.I

t is at no time taking the other for granted;the courtship should not end with the honeymoon,it should continue through all the years.

It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.

It is standing together facing the world.

It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.

It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy.

It is speaking words of appreciationand demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.

It is not looking for perfection in each other.

It is cultivating flexibility, patience,understanding and a sense of humour.

It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.

It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.

It is finding room for the things of the spirit.

It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.

It is establishing a relationship in which the independence is equal,dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.

It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.

It is discovering what marriage can be, at its best.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Best layan blog org lain... apa yg confirm, mostly every blog (if the blogger adalah perempuan...), must have an entry on "what inside my handbag"... and also "I want...".. this kind of entry, blogger akan list semua wishlist diorg. Nak brg itu, nak brg ini....

Bagus juga, at least I have some ideas with what to update my blog in future. For me, initially, my blog is a place for me to record things yg I feel special... the tots that sometimes I cant simply share with others. Or things yg important yg I am afraid akan lupa... hmmm al maklum lah usia makin meningkat, responsibility makin bertambah... definitely space makin sikit for me to remember each and every thing happens in life (itu adalah alasan yg sgt berkesan utk memberitahu bahawa diri ini sudah dimamah usia hua hua hua).

But there are times, bila nak record perkara2 tersebut yg biasanye sangat serious, mood utk jadi serious and ideas plak hilang ntah kemana. Sometimes berbulan2 hilang baru nak balik rumah. So I guess, bila2 aku rasa boring, malas nak buat report on Spend Smart Initiatives, bole saja aku nak blab tentang apa2 sahaja e.g What inside my handbag... pon boleh kan?

Soon lah kot.... so below are my future entries... planning mesti baik... Bila dah plan baru boleh

1- Apa dlm handbag saya?-
2- Apa dlm makeup bag saya?
3- My wishlist (tangible stuffs only)- kalau tak define mcm ni, its gonna be a one looonggg list. Nak amik lesen scuba diving pon bole masuk dlm list ni...!
4-Apa ada dlm wardrobe Humairah (yessss this gonna be one big project hehehe!)

wokehhhh... selamat berusaha!