Monday, April 12, 2010


Best layan blog org lain... apa yg confirm, mostly every blog (if the blogger adalah perempuan...), must have an entry on "what inside my handbag"... and also "I want...".. this kind of entry, blogger akan list semua wishlist diorg. Nak brg itu, nak brg ini....

Bagus juga, at least I have some ideas with what to update my blog in future. For me, initially, my blog is a place for me to record things yg I feel special... the tots that sometimes I cant simply share with others. Or things yg important yg I am afraid akan lupa... hmmm al maklum lah usia makin meningkat, responsibility makin bertambah... definitely space makin sikit for me to remember each and every thing happens in life (itu adalah alasan yg sgt berkesan utk memberitahu bahawa diri ini sudah dimamah usia hua hua hua).

But there are times, bila nak record perkara2 tersebut yg biasanye sangat serious, mood utk jadi serious and ideas plak hilang ntah kemana. Sometimes berbulan2 hilang baru nak balik rumah. So I guess, bila2 aku rasa boring, malas nak buat report on Spend Smart Initiatives, bole saja aku nak blab tentang apa2 sahaja e.g What inside my handbag... pon boleh kan?

Soon lah kot.... so below are my future entries... planning mesti baik... Bila dah plan baru boleh

1- Apa dlm handbag saya?-
2- Apa dlm makeup bag saya?
3- My wishlist (tangible stuffs only)- kalau tak define mcm ni, its gonna be a one looonggg list. Nak amik lesen scuba diving pon bole masuk dlm list ni...!
4-Apa ada dlm wardrobe Humairah (yessss this gonna be one big project hehehe!)

wokehhhh... selamat berusaha!

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