Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Busy ke buat2 busy?

Busy sebenarnya.
I was selected to join a 35 weeks project.
Ada interview bagai...altough I am not sure whether in this condition (dimana tgh sarat mengandung dan dlm kesibukan nak pindah rumah juga dgn ketiadaan maid)I really wanna join this when I believe the project will make me a better person (in term of career and self development), I decided to just go and perform during the interview...dan berdoa jika ini adalah yg terbaik utk myself, my husband, my children and my whole fmly and our life, Allah permudahkan lah segala2nya.
So, here I am stucked in this meeting room which we use as our project operation room.
At a time I was giving up, nak withdraw fr the project sbb backpain and demam...and my lil girl pun demam...doc advised me to bedrest for 3 days and stay away fr when I came back to this room, the team was actually trying to accomodate my condition, giving me some allowance to limit my stress level..hehehe...and I am actually tersepit coz do not want my condition slowing down the movement of project. Tp dah diorg ok, and I am actually love what am I doing now, I believe this is an opportunity for me to learn so many things, I will forget about withdrawing fr this project.
Mlm tadi hidung bleeding pulak. It happened when I was pregnant with Humairah. Adoiiii. Maybe penat. This Christmas kitorg nak pindah to Cheras officially. Sedih.
Rumah KJ terlalu byk kenangan. tak sanggup nak tulis skrg. nanti nangis.
Lately hati jadi lain.
Tak sangka ujian Allah datang dlm pelbagai form.
Dlm keadaan yg tak pernah difikirkan.
But life goes on.
Semoga Allah permudahkan segala2nya.
Semoga Allah tetapkan hati ini supaya sentiasa akan balik pd Dia, walau apa jua keadaan dan ujian.
Semoga Allah beri kekuatan dan tetapkan iman.

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