It was 21st of Oct 2008. 5am...dah tak boleh tido. Terus bangun, grabbed the home pregnancy test I bought the day before. Berdebar2, but actually I was quite confident that I am pregnant. I was late for about 2 weeks and the aching at some part of my body- never experience it before, made me think that I am pregnant.
I was in the toilet, staring at the stick every single second while praying for the 2nd line to appear... slowly it appeared and I cant believe my eyes. there's one second I tot it was just my imagination, and another second I tot it was a shadow or reflection of the lampu kalimantang (betul ke ejaan ni?). It was real... I cried. I was so happy and at the same time I was touched. One thing in my mind (heart maybe...)... I pray hard to God for this. I did so many crazy things... I disobey Him in many ways, tapi Dia Maha Pengasih... Dia tetap berikan apa yang aku minta. Syahdu sgt rasanya pagi tu.
Aku kejutkan MyLove. While crying I hugged him. Dia terjaga, dia ingat aku nangis sbb test tu negative. Di usap kepala aku. Bila aku show dia the stick with 2 lines, terkejut sgt dia. He hugged me and we cried together.
Allah Maha Agung. Friends and fmly who knows my past experience, would be very happy to know this very shocking news. Even my Gynea told me this pregnancy is special. Not many endometriosis patient can conceive. God is Great.
When I went to see doctor, I was 5th, going to 6th week. Now am still in my 6th week. Nxt Monday will be 7th.
So far I dont experience nausea, or headache or senang cerita the very popular morning sickness. Selera makan pun sama je. Cuma bila late evening I'll feel really tired, dan takde selera makan. Last week, I skip dinner because I dont have appetite to eat, but at 4 in the morning aku terjaga just because I feel something funny in my stomach, wooppps in my belly to be more accurate. Macam cramp gituuu...so I knew, I need to eat before I go to bed or else I'll loose my sleep. Yesterday was quite bad. At 6pm I felt so tired. Sampai rumah mak, aku terus mandi and solat magrib. Lepas solat aku baring atas katil and rasa mcm nak demam. Lesu sgt, and terus tertidur. Kejap2 aku terjaga sebab mak dtg paksa aku mkn, then MyLove tampalkan koyok, tak lama MyLove suapkan susu ANMUM...memang tak larat...but when I woke up this morning, I feel very energetic. Pelik. Maybe its not morning sickness am having, its night/evening sickness maybe.
Anyway, my fear of getting bigger dah takde. Aku enjoy apa yg Allah bagi ni. Its totally a new experience. Semoga aku akan beroleh kebaikan dari experience ni, and aku harap semuanya sempurna dan baik utk baby dlm perut ni...my peanut.
Reen, congratulation.. congratulation.. alhamdulillah.. hope you and the baby will be healthy, insyaallah - kak epid
sayang!!! oh my god!!!! no wonder la i asyik ingat u je... that's why i looked 4 u in FB... finally!!! alhamdulillah.... jaga diri baik2, jaga makan, jaga solat & doa byk2 k... luv u!!!
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