Senget sikit.... ok...eh dah start ke? hehehehe ok...here we go....for the first time ever i heard the sound of unborn's heartbeat. And it was so very special because the baby is mine. It was so amazing to see a tiny spot moving or actually beating and producing sound...so fast, double my own heartbeat.
So now I introduce you to my baby.... so small, I can barely see him (fr now on I'll refer my baby as HE/HIM- for reference purposes only). Not sure whether his babah can see him, coz babah tak pakai contact lense dah 2 weeks sbb infection...but ibu can see him very clearly when the doc explained to us.
*Note- This blog was pending for almost 5 months...hehehehe.... and I hv decided not to continue writing it. Will post it as it is....but will continue writing new topics...(i tak janji....ok!)
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