Busy sebenarnya.
I was selected to join a 35 weeks project.
Ada interview bagai...altough I am not sure whether in this condition (dimana tgh sarat mengandung dan dlm kesibukan nak pindah rumah juga dgn ketiadaan maid)I really wanna join this project...tp when I believe the project will make me a better person (in term of career and self development), I decided to just go and perform during the interview...dan berdoa jika ini adalah yg terbaik utk myself, my husband, my children and my whole fmly and our life, Allah permudahkan lah segala2nya.
So, here I am stucked in this meeting room which we use as our project operation room.
At a time I was giving up, nak withdraw fr the project sbb backpain and demam...and my lil girl pun demam...doc advised me to bedrest for 3 days and stay away fr stress...tp when I came back to this room, the team was actually trying to accomodate my condition, giving me some allowance to limit my stress level..hehehe...and I am actually tersepit coz do not want my condition slowing down the movement of project. Tp dah diorg ok, and I am actually love what am I doing now, I believe this is an opportunity for me to learn so many things, I will forget about withdrawing fr this project.
Mlm tadi hidung bleeding pulak. It happened when I was pregnant with Humairah. Adoiiii. Maybe penat. This Christmas kitorg nak pindah to Cheras officially. Sedih.
Rumah KJ terlalu byk kenangan. tak sanggup nak tulis skrg. nanti nangis.
Lately hati jadi lain.
Tak sangka ujian Allah datang dlm pelbagai form.
Dlm keadaan yg tak pernah difikirkan.
But life goes on.
Semoga Allah permudahkan segala2nya.
Semoga Allah tetapkan hati ini supaya sentiasa akan balik pd Dia, walau apa jua keadaan dan ujian.
Semoga Allah beri kekuatan dan tetapkan iman.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Preparing for a new baby, new house and most prob NEW MAID!!!
Before I blab and blab and non stop blabbing on the topic …Selamat Hari Raya Korban! It was a simple but meaningful celebration this year ;)
Preparation for a New Baby.
I am 7mth preggy now. And I should start shopping for what necessaries now. My mom said, “dah 7 bulan baru beli barang2 baby” so as an obedient (and cute) daughter (hehehe), here I am, ready to go shopping…hahahaha! I guess, preparing for 2nd baby is way much easy compared to the 1st. Yelah, experience dah ada, checklist dah ada, and most of stuffs fr the checklist smua can be recycled. Below I copy paste my original checklist masa Humairah, which my BFF mommy Yati yg preparekan….
Must have
1 Newborn Diapers-Mommy poko
2 Baju tido pnjg ( romper)-5
3 Baju siang-5
4 mitten n booties-5
5 baby cap-1
6 kain bedung-3
7 barut 5
8 minyak baby
9 baby lotion ( jgn guna baby powder… coz baby lotion is better for baby skin)
10 nail clipper
11 bedak, shower gel, shampoo travel pack, sikat
12 towel
13 blanket Bumble Bee: Thermal Blanket
14 tilam,pillow n bolster set -Aussino Single fitted comforter set + baby cot cover x2
15 baby bath tub
16 cotton bud
17 wet tissue
18 sabun basuh baju baby - mommy guna cosway… Pureen pun ader
19 surah yassin.. ( bring wherever we go with princess) n letak kat kepala dia time tido
20 bottle n teat brush
For exclusive breastfeeding
1 Breast pump set -Philips Avent: ISIS Out & About Breast Pump Set
2 Breast milk storage
Philips Avent: 4 Breast Milk/Baby Food containers 125ml
Philips Avent: VIA Breast Milk Containers 10 x 180ml
3 Nursing pillow
4 Nursing bra
1 Thermos
2 Thermal bag for travelling Mothercare
3 baby carrier instead of car seat if nak guna from baby laa…
4 Baby Cot
Not immediate
1 bottle steriliser ( ibu x yah beli… mommy dah ader…Cuma beli pil )
Anakku Microwave sterilizer- Jusco
2 Stroller
Graco: Mosaic Completo Travel System - Gasha Red with Base
Graco: Stylus Travel System - Morocco Design
Graco: Ultima Plus Travel System Gasha
3 warmer -Tommee Tippee: Closer to Nature Baby Food & Bottle Warmer
4 bottle drying rack
5 socks n shoe
6 teether
7 baby rattle
8 baby play gym
Additional Notes Fr Ibu
1Wardrobe/ drawer for princess
2Nipple cream for mommy and ibu
3 Set jamu and bengkung Amway for mommy and ibu
So for 2nd baby, I guess I just need to buy the following which are highlighted in blue:
Coming Princess #2 Checklist
Must have
1 Newborn Diapers Mommy poko
2 Baju tido pnjg ( White romper) 3
3 Baju siang (white) 3
4 mitten n booties (white) 3
5 baby cap 1
6 kain bedung 7 barut
8 minyak baby 2 AMWAY
9 baby lotion/powder/ toiletries (medium set) Anakku
10 nail clipper 1
11 bedak, shower gel, shampoo travel pack, sikat Anakku
12 towel
13 blanket
14 tilam,pillow n bolster set
15 Pillow & mattress cover 2 mybabystore.com
15 baby bath tub -Amik fr Nono
16 cotton bud
17 wet tissue
18 sabun basuh baju baby Cosway 4
19 surah yassin.. ( bring wherever we go with princess) n letak kat kepala dia time tido
20 bottle n teat brush 1
For exclusive breastfeeding
1 Breast pump set -hantar repair AMEDA!
2 Breast milk storage 10 add to the existing
3 Feeding bottle & teats 3
4 Nursing pillow -amik fr Nono
5 Nursing bra
baby carrier instead of car seat if nak guna from baby laa… -Amik fr Nono
Means I only have to prepare one third of total number of stuffs fr the 1st baby’s checklist. That reflects the budget to spend as well. I hv decided to try out Anakku range of toiletries plus powder and lotion. I found them smells better than Pureen. And this time I’ll buy the basics in medium size. Masa Humairah I tend to keep stocks and they gone wasted when Humairah was allergy to Pureen or what ever baby’s product on the rack. Sekarang pakai Cetaphil. So kami lah yg menghabiskan all the Pureen stocks. And dua org org tua ni pun berbau seperti baby bila lepas mandi…hehehe. Will start ordering stuffs online and will spend next weekend to buy others that can’t be bought online. For clothings, I’ll buy all new with white sbb Humairah’s new born clothes semua pink hehehe. So pink dah tak yah beli. Owhhh by the way, this one I’m carrying is a girl too!!! So nanti kitorg boleh buat band nama “ Azman & The Girls” mcm “Ella & The Boys”
Preparation for New House.
Our new home is ready. I am sooo excited! Its like when you know tat you are pregnant…(apa ni???) ye lah, bila kita tahu kita nak dpt anak; kita tahu takdir kita berjumpa, jatuh cinta, bercinta, dan berkahwin ada objektifnya. Mestilah teruja kan? Then we start to put effort to build a happy family. Bila pregnant kan kita slalu so happy sbb kita tahu journey to build a family dah start. So kita akan work hard (physically and spiritually) utk capai target kita tu. Di antara perkara yg kita usahakan selain dari lengkapkan diri kita (spiritually) kita akan start usaha supaya dari segi materialpun kita lengkap…untuk pastikan anak2 or the whole family kita hidup selesa. Like us, we both have our own property masa sebelum ditakdirkan bercinta. It’s an advantage, tp having a property, that we put effort to purchase it together, plan everything together adalah sangat different. Ia sgt meaningful to both of us bila rumah ni ready.
Although we actually dah sgt fall in love with Kelana Jaya neighborhood, tp for a bigger space for our kids to grow up, we decided to move to BMC. Nak beli a landed prop kat area KJ mmg kami tak mampu. Takpelah, I believe, we’ll love BMC as much as KJ soon or later.
Getting involve directly in this new house preparation is a whole new experience for me. Masa beli KJ condo dulu semua dah ready. I bought it ready made hehehe. The reno was nicely done by the old owner. Now, with this new house, semua yg tak tahu dah jadi tahu. Fr plaster ceiling to down light to cornice… the grill, the built in wardrobe, the alarm system, lagi apa lagi? hmmm…gutter, polycarbon owning lah. Then the wiring for lightings, the fan, the aircond points…spotlights, CCTV, autogate. For a small single-storey bungalow (3 rooms only), semua yg disebutkan tadi budgetnya melebihi RM30k. Yg tu tak termasuk main electrical appliances (kipas, aircond, tv, fridge, washing machine, etc) as well as perabot2 yg lain. Baru lah sedar yg standard kos sara hidup skrg sgt tinggi. Owh mannnnn… mahalnya nak lengkapkan sebuah rumah!!! Saya tak pernah tahu! So, kami yg sgt2 broke sbb kena bayar down payment rumah tu 20% instead of 10%... terpaksa memilih utk prioritize keperluan kami utk menyediakan rumah tu. Ada byk yg kami terpaksa KIV kan e.g gutter, owning, autogate dan CCTV. Buat yg penting2 dulu.
Having to prepare for all these when I am 7mth pregnant is very challenging. Memanglah all the job being outsourced to contractors, tp the effort to meet up few contractors, to nego, to go up n down to the new house is tiring. Then we have to survey for furniture and electrical goods... dgn membawa si kecik tu ke hulu kehilir (sbb bibik cuti) sampai bengkak2 kaki. But Alhamdulillah, we have our contactor brother to guide us. So we don’t have to be worried of being conned by Ah Heng or Ah Hong. Our target to move in by mid of December or paling busuk pun end of Dec. And we need to by Jan rent out the KJ condo, kalau tak masak kena bayar dua2 rumah… means I shoud be advertising the KJ Condo by now. Alamak!!! Oklah, new checklist…kena amik gambar KJ condo byk2 and advertise kt Mudah. Will rent it out fully furnished. RM1500 (nego) inclusive of monthly maintenance (which am paying RM252 monthly). So if you know ppl who is interested, pls let me know. Chehhh mcm ramai je org baca blog ni…kahkahkah. Willl post advertisement in my FB as well. It’s a 1300sqf condo with 3 rooms and 2 bath. Very spacious. Fully furnish means:
a. 30’ TV and its tv rack
b. 3+2 seaters sofa
c. A coffee table
d. Dining table with 6 chairs.
e. Curtains for sliding door and all rooms.
f. 1 unit of 2hp air cond for living room.
g. Two-doors fridge
h. Built-in kitchen cabinet
i. 2nd bedroom- a single bed with mattress, side table and a 3-doors wardrobe.
j. 3rd bedroom- a single bed with mattress.
k. Master bedroom- 1 unit of 1.5hp air cond. Attached bathroom is nicely renovated with big mirror, built-in cabinet, water heater system and bath tub.
l. Decorative wall mirror and bench at dining and living room.
The condo area is very peaceful as it is low density- only 4 blocks of 12storeys. Each level has only 8 units. Two lifts serve every block. One dedicated covered parking lot for each unit. An extra parking can be obtain fr the Management Ofc for as low as rm50 monthly. Very tight security. Facilities: 1 Gym, 2 squash courts, swimming pool, sauna, playground, intercom system for each unit to guardhouse, multipurpose hall, taska, surau, barbeque pits, badminton/basketball court, laundry, mini market and a cafĂ©. Very near to KJ LRT station where u can wait for the feeder buses just in front of the guard house. If you are driving your own car to move around, don’t worry of traffic jam coz fr here you have many access road. LDP, NKVE, Jln Airport Subang lama, Federal Hway and NPE. It is near to Giant KJ. And soon the new shopping mall- The PARADIGM will be just in front of this condo area. 10mins drive to IKEA, d Curve…as well as Sunway Pyramid and Subang Parade/ the Empire. That is why I love staying KJ so much! Interested already? Hehehe…
Preparation for New Bibik???
Dia balik COTI and since then tak pernah SMS. Saturday is her flight back to KL. Esok I’ll call her. If she doesn’t return, we HAVE TO start searching for a new bibik. And the cycle starts again….arggghhhhhhh!!!!
Preparation for a New Baby.
I am 7mth preggy now. And I should start shopping for what necessaries now. My mom said, “dah 7 bulan baru beli barang2 baby” so as an obedient (and cute) daughter (hehehe), here I am, ready to go shopping…hahahaha! I guess, preparing for 2nd baby is way much easy compared to the 1st. Yelah, experience dah ada, checklist dah ada, and most of stuffs fr the checklist smua can be recycled. Below I copy paste my original checklist masa Humairah, which my BFF mommy Yati yg preparekan….
Must have
1 Newborn Diapers-Mommy poko
2 Baju tido pnjg ( romper)-5
3 Baju siang-5
4 mitten n booties-5
5 baby cap-1
6 kain bedung-3
7 barut 5
8 minyak baby
9 baby lotion ( jgn guna baby powder… coz baby lotion is better for baby skin)
10 nail clipper
11 bedak, shower gel, shampoo travel pack, sikat
12 towel
13 blanket Bumble Bee: Thermal Blanket
14 tilam,pillow n bolster set -Aussino Single fitted comforter set + baby cot cover x2
15 baby bath tub
16 cotton bud
17 wet tissue
18 sabun basuh baju baby - mommy guna cosway… Pureen pun ader
19 surah yassin.. ( bring wherever we go with princess) n letak kat kepala dia time tido
20 bottle n teat brush
For exclusive breastfeeding
1 Breast pump set -Philips Avent: ISIS Out & About Breast Pump Set
2 Breast milk storage
Philips Avent: 4 Breast Milk/Baby Food containers 125ml
Philips Avent: VIA Breast Milk Containers 10 x 180ml
3 Nursing pillow
4 Nursing bra
1 Thermos
2 Thermal bag for travelling Mothercare
3 baby carrier instead of car seat if nak guna from baby laa…
4 Baby Cot
Not immediate
1 bottle steriliser ( ibu x yah beli… mommy dah ader…Cuma beli pil )
Anakku Microwave sterilizer- Jusco
2 Stroller
Graco: Mosaic Completo Travel System - Gasha Red with Base
Graco: Stylus Travel System - Morocco Design
Graco: Ultima Plus Travel System Gasha
3 warmer -Tommee Tippee: Closer to Nature Baby Food & Bottle Warmer
4 bottle drying rack
5 socks n shoe
6 teether
7 baby rattle
8 baby play gym
Additional Notes Fr Ibu
1Wardrobe/ drawer for princess
2Nipple cream for mommy and ibu
3 Set jamu and bengkung Amway for mommy and ibu
So for 2nd baby, I guess I just need to buy the following which are highlighted in blue:
Coming Princess #2 Checklist
Must have
1 Newborn Diapers Mommy poko
2 Baju tido pnjg ( White romper) 3
3 Baju siang (white) 3
4 mitten n booties (white) 3
5 baby cap 1
6 kain bedung 7 barut
8 minyak baby 2 AMWAY
9 baby lotion/powder/ toiletries (medium set) Anakku
10 nail clipper 1
11 bedak, shower gel, shampoo travel pack, sikat Anakku
12 towel
13 blanket
14 tilam,pillow n bolster set
15 Pillow & mattress cover 2 mybabystore.com
15 baby bath tub -Amik fr Nono
16 cotton bud
17 wet tissue
18 sabun basuh baju baby Cosway 4
19 surah yassin.. ( bring wherever we go with princess) n letak kat kepala dia time tido
20 bottle n teat brush 1
For exclusive breastfeeding
1 Breast pump set -hantar repair AMEDA!
2 Breast milk storage 10 add to the existing
3 Feeding bottle & teats 3
4 Nursing pillow -amik fr Nono
5 Nursing bra
baby carrier instead of car seat if nak guna from baby laa… -Amik fr Nono
Means I only have to prepare one third of total number of stuffs fr the 1st baby’s checklist. That reflects the budget to spend as well. I hv decided to try out Anakku range of toiletries plus powder and lotion. I found them smells better than Pureen. And this time I’ll buy the basics in medium size. Masa Humairah I tend to keep stocks and they gone wasted when Humairah was allergy to Pureen or what ever baby’s product on the rack. Sekarang pakai Cetaphil. So kami lah yg menghabiskan all the Pureen stocks. And dua org org tua ni pun berbau seperti baby bila lepas mandi…hehehe. Will start ordering stuffs online and will spend next weekend to buy others that can’t be bought online. For clothings, I’ll buy all new with white sbb Humairah’s new born clothes semua pink hehehe. So pink dah tak yah beli. Owhhh by the way, this one I’m carrying is a girl too!!! So nanti kitorg boleh buat band nama “ Azman & The Girls” mcm “Ella & The Boys”
Preparation for New House.
Our new home is ready. I am sooo excited! Its like when you know tat you are pregnant…(apa ni???) ye lah, bila kita tahu kita nak dpt anak; kita tahu takdir kita berjumpa, jatuh cinta, bercinta, dan berkahwin ada objektifnya. Mestilah teruja kan? Then we start to put effort to build a happy family. Bila pregnant kan kita slalu so happy sbb kita tahu journey to build a family dah start. So kita akan work hard (physically and spiritually) utk capai target kita tu. Di antara perkara yg kita usahakan selain dari lengkapkan diri kita (spiritually) kita akan start usaha supaya dari segi materialpun kita lengkap…untuk pastikan anak2 or the whole family kita hidup selesa. Like us, we both have our own property masa sebelum ditakdirkan bercinta. It’s an advantage, tp having a property, that we put effort to purchase it together, plan everything together adalah sangat different. Ia sgt meaningful to both of us bila rumah ni ready.
Although we actually dah sgt fall in love with Kelana Jaya neighborhood, tp for a bigger space for our kids to grow up, we decided to move to BMC. Nak beli a landed prop kat area KJ mmg kami tak mampu. Takpelah, I believe, we’ll love BMC as much as KJ soon or later.
Getting involve directly in this new house preparation is a whole new experience for me. Masa beli KJ condo dulu semua dah ready. I bought it ready made hehehe. The reno was nicely done by the old owner. Now, with this new house, semua yg tak tahu dah jadi tahu. Fr plaster ceiling to down light to cornice… the grill, the built in wardrobe, the alarm system, lagi apa lagi? hmmm…gutter, polycarbon owning lah. Then the wiring for lightings, the fan, the aircond points…spotlights, CCTV, autogate. For a small single-storey bungalow (3 rooms only), semua yg disebutkan tadi budgetnya melebihi RM30k. Yg tu tak termasuk main electrical appliances (kipas, aircond, tv, fridge, washing machine, etc) as well as perabot2 yg lain. Baru lah sedar yg standard kos sara hidup skrg sgt tinggi. Owh mannnnn… mahalnya nak lengkapkan sebuah rumah!!! Saya tak pernah tahu! So, kami yg sgt2 broke sbb kena bayar down payment rumah tu 20% instead of 10%... terpaksa memilih utk prioritize keperluan kami utk menyediakan rumah tu. Ada byk yg kami terpaksa KIV kan e.g gutter, owning, autogate dan CCTV. Buat yg penting2 dulu.
Having to prepare for all these when I am 7mth pregnant is very challenging. Memanglah all the job being outsourced to contractors, tp the effort to meet up few contractors, to nego, to go up n down to the new house is tiring. Then we have to survey for furniture and electrical goods... dgn membawa si kecik tu ke hulu kehilir (sbb bibik cuti) sampai bengkak2 kaki. But Alhamdulillah, we have our contactor brother to guide us. So we don’t have to be worried of being conned by Ah Heng or Ah Hong. Our target to move in by mid of December or paling busuk pun end of Dec. And we need to by Jan rent out the KJ condo, kalau tak masak kena bayar dua2 rumah… means I shoud be advertising the KJ Condo by now. Alamak!!! Oklah, new checklist…kena amik gambar KJ condo byk2 and advertise kt Mudah. Will rent it out fully furnished. RM1500 (nego) inclusive of monthly maintenance (which am paying RM252 monthly). So if you know ppl who is interested, pls let me know. Chehhh mcm ramai je org baca blog ni…kahkahkah. Willl post advertisement in my FB as well. It’s a 1300sqf condo with 3 rooms and 2 bath. Very spacious. Fully furnish means:
a. 30’ TV and its tv rack
b. 3+2 seaters sofa
c. A coffee table
d. Dining table with 6 chairs.
e. Curtains for sliding door and all rooms.
f. 1 unit of 2hp air cond for living room.
g. Two-doors fridge
h. Built-in kitchen cabinet
i. 2nd bedroom- a single bed with mattress, side table and a 3-doors wardrobe.
j. 3rd bedroom- a single bed with mattress.
k. Master bedroom- 1 unit of 1.5hp air cond. Attached bathroom is nicely renovated with big mirror, built-in cabinet, water heater system and bath tub.
l. Decorative wall mirror and bench at dining and living room.
The condo area is very peaceful as it is low density- only 4 blocks of 12storeys. Each level has only 8 units. Two lifts serve every block. One dedicated covered parking lot for each unit. An extra parking can be obtain fr the Management Ofc for as low as rm50 monthly. Very tight security. Facilities: 1 Gym, 2 squash courts, swimming pool, sauna, playground, intercom system for each unit to guardhouse, multipurpose hall, taska, surau, barbeque pits, badminton/basketball court, laundry, mini market and a cafĂ©. Very near to KJ LRT station where u can wait for the feeder buses just in front of the guard house. If you are driving your own car to move around, don’t worry of traffic jam coz fr here you have many access road. LDP, NKVE, Jln Airport Subang lama, Federal Hway and NPE. It is near to Giant KJ. And soon the new shopping mall- The PARADIGM will be just in front of this condo area. 10mins drive to IKEA, d Curve…as well as Sunway Pyramid and Subang Parade/ the Empire. That is why I love staying KJ so much! Interested already? Hehehe…
Preparation for New Bibik???
Dia balik COTI and since then tak pernah SMS. Saturday is her flight back to KL. Esok I’ll call her. If she doesn’t return, we HAVE TO start searching for a new bibik. And the cycle starts again….arggghhhhhhh!!!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
rasa rindu yg sgt rindu.
pernah rindu, rindu sgt sampai nangis?
aku baru je.
everytime teringatkan arwah atuk, rindu, sampai nangis.
satu je aku doa pd Allah... I want to see him in my dream.
I want to talk to him. mengadu and share ttg setiap yg tak sempat aku share.
I want to see his face.
I want to hear his voice...kata2 nasihat dia, lenggok bahasanya yg lembut tp tegas.
rindu semua tu.
Tp doa tu tak pernah makbul since aku start doa in 1997.
kenapa ek?
mcm mana nak let go feelings ni.
redha...mmg dah lama redha yg dia dah takde.
tp rindu sgt.
bila rindu tu dtg, rasa susah nak handle...kt mana2 pun bole nangis.
Maybe sbb I wasn't ready masa dia pergi.
Tak sangka langsung dia akan pergi secepat tu.
I wasnt been informed pun masa dia sakit kat hospital.
Tiba2, masa dlm class statistic, org dtg bgtau ada phone call kat admin ofc.
And tat was it. I heard dad was crying telling me atuk was no longer with us.
Dunia gelap tiba2.
aku hope sgt semua tu mimpi or it was a joke.
but it wasn't.
Skali lagi aku berdoa smoga atuk dtg dlm mimpi.
Ya Allah perkenankan lah doa hari Jumaat ni.
aku baru je.
everytime teringatkan arwah atuk, rindu, sampai nangis.
satu je aku doa pd Allah... I want to see him in my dream.
I want to talk to him. mengadu and share ttg setiap yg tak sempat aku share.
I want to see his face.
I want to hear his voice...kata2 nasihat dia, lenggok bahasanya yg lembut tp tegas.
rindu semua tu.
Tp doa tu tak pernah makbul since aku start doa in 1997.
kenapa ek?
mcm mana nak let go feelings ni.
redha...mmg dah lama redha yg dia dah takde.
tp rindu sgt.
bila rindu tu dtg, rasa susah nak handle...kt mana2 pun bole nangis.
Maybe sbb I wasn't ready masa dia pergi.
Tak sangka langsung dia akan pergi secepat tu.
I wasnt been informed pun masa dia sakit kat hospital.
Tiba2, masa dlm class statistic, org dtg bgtau ada phone call kat admin ofc.
And tat was it. I heard dad was crying telling me atuk was no longer with us.
Dunia gelap tiba2.
aku hope sgt semua tu mimpi or it was a joke.
but it wasn't.
Skali lagi aku berdoa smoga atuk dtg dlm mimpi.
Ya Allah perkenankan lah doa hari Jumaat ni.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Quick Updates!
Been very busy... here are highlights of the past and current ..(hahaha mcm bagus je...):-
1- Eidul fitri celebration was awesome. A week break fr work gave me the opportunity to be busy with family affairs. I got to visit uncles and aunties with the whole family, which I didn't get the chance to do it during last eid. I can say it was the best Eid ever...:D
2-My maid got her off days as well. It was a mistake I guess, giving her long break has turned her to a less efficient maid- started to give so much excuses for things she didnt execute, dah pandai menjawab, talked over the phone in the kitchen when I asked her to heat all the lauks...so in return, she got it fr me. Everytime buat salah, kena sound. Dapat cash je. So she got fed up coz she thinks apa dia buat semua salah... and till one day we received an SMS fr her husband requested for 2 weeks leave for her wife sbb anak nak kawen. Bermula lah mcm2 drama... and kesimpulan nya, I had enough with maids dr seberang ni. And if I were to keep her, and terus bersabar dgn perangai dia, semata2 sbb memikirkan anak2 je. Ya Allah, hanya Engkau yg mampu memberi segala kesabaran yg aku perlukan...
3- If she doesn't return to me, I decided to send Humairah n her adik (soon) to Raniya, have already got them in the waiting list...paling cpt Jan 2011 for Humairah. Tp my darling hubby tak agree coz he doesnt think I can manage to handle two of them when at home. Humairah belum 2 tahun when she gets her adik nanti. Mana dgn nak handle baby lagi, and dia tgh lasak...and definitely next year will be a busy year for DH. He'll be spending most of time kat luar rumah lepas ofc hour, that means I have to be alone handling dua beradik tu. Satu, larat ke? Dua, leaving only 3 of us at night, kat rumah baru yg sgt sunyi sekeliling nya adalah tidak masuk akal bg DH. So he still wants us to have a maid, tp I had enough with Ind*ns already. So, alternatively, if she doesn’t show up after her long break, we’ll opt for Philipino. Mmg la salary diorg expensive, tp bila kira balik hantar 2 kids to Raniya, it costs us about RM1k. Byr Philipino lebih sikit, rumah dan pakaian semua terjaga, and anak2 ku akan ckp omputih lah hahahaha. Cuma satu ni je, nak dpt yg muslim mmg susah… tp kalau niat kita baik, Allah mesti bantu kita. Bila lah nak realize plan Felda nak train and supply local maids. Bayar lebih pun aku sanggup. And ultimate target…When lah I can resign fr corp world ni? Jadi housewife, jaga and besarkan anak2 dgn tangan sendiri?
4- Politikus di ofc. This was uninvited. And worse, it affects me directly when I am not aware of it. Remember the new boss? Itulah, jgn cpt percaya dgn 1st impression.I’ve learnt my lesson. A new girl fr his ex-company was introduced to me on one fine Friday. She’ll be joining our team. Monday I was on MC, and my staff text me, informing me all of us (me and my staffs) will be reporting to the new girl. And when I returned to work, he informed me that there are changes in Org Chart. Yes, all of us will report to the new SM. Worst, he pull me out fr my box and put me to a new one, doing a new portfolio…ALONE, no staff. According to him, he has started interviewing new faces to replace me. WHAT???? I was mad. Maybe he didn’t expect such respond fr me. I told him my disappointments straight away. Many of them. I asked him why he did that? Dia ada prob ke dgn aku? Am I not capable at his view? He said NO. He knows I AM GOOD, so he wants me to move to another area that is more challenging. He did that for my career benefits, yea right! Don’t you have brain to at least ask my opinion and get my consent in prior? I was really upset. Why don’t you just tell me that you need good justifications to bring your good friend in, with higher post, big money…so you have no other way but to get all of us to report to her. Kan senang…tak payah nak corner banyak2.
At this point, I just don’t care about it…penat dah fikir… all this while I’ve been working so hard and sincere- yes I do, if not takkan lah aku promoted kan?, tp aku jugak yg jadi mangsa. Betul2 mcm Belanda mendapat tanah. I guess, this is not a place for me anymore. Looking forward for a change. I don’t want to waste my time working with people who just wanna use my advantage for their benefits. I’ve learnt so much fr this incident. Thank you Allah. Just one thing, I really hope before I go, I can realize my plan for my staffs…wooppsss Ex Staffs…semoga diorg akan dpt apa yg hak pd diorg. Tataulah, dgn boss baru, belum tentu staff career advancement menjadi sesuatu yg penting pd dia. Help me God.
5- Humairah hospitalized due to High Fever. Owhhhh … was spending 4 nights and 4 days at Tawakal. Kesian Humairah… but Alhamdulillah, she’s recovering fast. Biasalah, anak ibu kuat semangat…sakit mcm mana pun active nye masih sama. Dgn dada yg wheezing, masih lagi nak berjalan satu hospital…”Nat Tuar…Nat Tuar…” (nak keluar)…pegi visit Arissa, kembar tak seiras dia tu yg juga admitted…
6- Had a very bad constipation while I was taking care of Humairah in hospital. Siksa sgt bila sembelit masa pregnant ok. I made a conclusion- It was all “stress” or “pressure” or whatever u call it. Yelah, dah lah maid buat hal…kat ofc satu hal…Humairah plak tak sihat….mmg complete set. Seriously, I managed to solve the constipation prob, yea, eat lots of papaya and drink lots of plain water. Cuma the stress last for 2 weeks… betul2 stress. Kesian baby in my belly… semasa mengandungkan dia, mcm2 perkara yg berlaku and I have lost focus on him/her. Bila sedar hakikat ini lah I suddenly decided to be positive again. Bukan senang… tp bila kita buat kerana niat yg baik, Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan. Now I hv clear my mind fr all the negative tots and avoid those ppl yg boleh mendatangkan marah. I still cant avoid some faces, so what I did, everytime pegi keje, aku niat yg aku pegi ofc utk siapkan segala keje yg Allah pertanggung jwb pd aku. And at the same time I put effort to speed up my transfer process. Semoga Allah permudahkan. Supaya ibu ada byk masa utk baby dlm perut ni ok.
7- Talking about the peanut#2, last check up doc actually scan to confirm the gender. Tapi sikecik ni terkepit2 malu plak…so tak Nampak but doc kata nampak mcm girl. Ibu tak kisah boy or girl…janji sihat and sempurna….:) cant wait for next check up…harap2 bole confirm…now dah 6 mths...adehhh bertambah mengah bila berjalan.
8- Despite semua ujian yg Allah turun kan tu, I can be happy with one thing. Our new home dah siap. YEAY!!! At least I can go shopping for this new house…what a therapy…Thank you Allah.
1- Eidul fitri celebration was awesome. A week break fr work gave me the opportunity to be busy with family affairs. I got to visit uncles and aunties with the whole family, which I didn't get the chance to do it during last eid. I can say it was the best Eid ever...:D
2-My maid got her off days as well. It was a mistake I guess, giving her long break has turned her to a less efficient maid- started to give so much excuses for things she didnt execute, dah pandai menjawab, talked over the phone in the kitchen when I asked her to heat all the lauks...so in return, she got it fr me. Everytime buat salah, kena sound. Dapat cash je. So she got fed up coz she thinks apa dia buat semua salah... and till one day we received an SMS fr her husband requested for 2 weeks leave for her wife sbb anak nak kawen. Bermula lah mcm2 drama... and kesimpulan nya, I had enough with maids dr seberang ni. And if I were to keep her, and terus bersabar dgn perangai dia, semata2 sbb memikirkan anak2 je. Ya Allah, hanya Engkau yg mampu memberi segala kesabaran yg aku perlukan...
3- If she doesn't return to me, I decided to send Humairah n her adik (soon) to Raniya, have already got them in the waiting list...paling cpt Jan 2011 for Humairah. Tp my darling hubby tak agree coz he doesnt think I can manage to handle two of them when at home. Humairah belum 2 tahun when she gets her adik nanti. Mana dgn nak handle baby lagi, and dia tgh lasak...and definitely next year will be a busy year for DH. He'll be spending most of time kat luar rumah lepas ofc hour, that means I have to be alone handling dua beradik tu. Satu, larat ke? Dua, leaving only 3 of us at night, kat rumah baru yg sgt sunyi sekeliling nya adalah tidak masuk akal bg DH. So he still wants us to have a maid, tp I had enough with Ind*ns already. So, alternatively, if she doesn’t show up after her long break, we’ll opt for Philipino. Mmg la salary diorg expensive, tp bila kira balik hantar 2 kids to Raniya, it costs us about RM1k. Byr Philipino lebih sikit, rumah dan pakaian semua terjaga, and anak2 ku akan ckp omputih lah hahahaha. Cuma satu ni je, nak dpt yg muslim mmg susah… tp kalau niat kita baik, Allah mesti bantu kita. Bila lah nak realize plan Felda nak train and supply local maids. Bayar lebih pun aku sanggup. And ultimate target…When lah I can resign fr corp world ni? Jadi housewife, jaga and besarkan anak2 dgn tangan sendiri?
4- Politikus di ofc. This was uninvited. And worse, it affects me directly when I am not aware of it. Remember the new boss? Itulah, jgn cpt percaya dgn 1st impression.I’ve learnt my lesson. A new girl fr his ex-company was introduced to me on one fine Friday. She’ll be joining our team. Monday I was on MC, and my staff text me, informing me all of us (me and my staffs) will be reporting to the new girl. And when I returned to work, he informed me that there are changes in Org Chart. Yes, all of us will report to the new SM. Worst, he pull me out fr my box and put me to a new one, doing a new portfolio…ALONE, no staff. According to him, he has started interviewing new faces to replace me. WHAT???? I was mad. Maybe he didn’t expect such respond fr me. I told him my disappointments straight away. Many of them. I asked him why he did that? Dia ada prob ke dgn aku? Am I not capable at his view? He said NO. He knows I AM GOOD, so he wants me to move to another area that is more challenging. He did that for my career benefits, yea right! Don’t you have brain to at least ask my opinion and get my consent in prior? I was really upset. Why don’t you just tell me that you need good justifications to bring your good friend in, with higher post, big money…so you have no other way but to get all of us to report to her. Kan senang…tak payah nak corner banyak2.
At this point, I just don’t care about it…penat dah fikir… all this while I’ve been working so hard and sincere- yes I do, if not takkan lah aku promoted kan?, tp aku jugak yg jadi mangsa. Betul2 mcm Belanda mendapat tanah. I guess, this is not a place for me anymore. Looking forward for a change. I don’t want to waste my time working with people who just wanna use my advantage for their benefits. I’ve learnt so much fr this incident. Thank you Allah. Just one thing, I really hope before I go, I can realize my plan for my staffs…wooppsss Ex Staffs…semoga diorg akan dpt apa yg hak pd diorg. Tataulah, dgn boss baru, belum tentu staff career advancement menjadi sesuatu yg penting pd dia. Help me God.
5- Humairah hospitalized due to High Fever. Owhhhh … was spending 4 nights and 4 days at Tawakal. Kesian Humairah… but Alhamdulillah, she’s recovering fast. Biasalah, anak ibu kuat semangat…sakit mcm mana pun active nye masih sama. Dgn dada yg wheezing, masih lagi nak berjalan satu hospital…”Nat Tuar…Nat Tuar…” (nak keluar)…pegi visit Arissa, kembar tak seiras dia tu yg juga admitted…
6- Had a very bad constipation while I was taking care of Humairah in hospital. Siksa sgt bila sembelit masa pregnant ok. I made a conclusion- It was all “stress” or “pressure” or whatever u call it. Yelah, dah lah maid buat hal…kat ofc satu hal…Humairah plak tak sihat….mmg complete set. Seriously, I managed to solve the constipation prob, yea, eat lots of papaya and drink lots of plain water. Cuma the stress last for 2 weeks… betul2 stress. Kesian baby in my belly… semasa mengandungkan dia, mcm2 perkara yg berlaku and I have lost focus on him/her. Bila sedar hakikat ini lah I suddenly decided to be positive again. Bukan senang… tp bila kita buat kerana niat yg baik, Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan. Now I hv clear my mind fr all the negative tots and avoid those ppl yg boleh mendatangkan marah. I still cant avoid some faces, so what I did, everytime pegi keje, aku niat yg aku pegi ofc utk siapkan segala keje yg Allah pertanggung jwb pd aku. And at the same time I put effort to speed up my transfer process. Semoga Allah permudahkan. Supaya ibu ada byk masa utk baby dlm perut ni ok.
7- Talking about the peanut#2, last check up doc actually scan to confirm the gender. Tapi sikecik ni terkepit2 malu plak…so tak Nampak but doc kata nampak mcm girl. Ibu tak kisah boy or girl…janji sihat and sempurna….:) cant wait for next check up…harap2 bole confirm…now dah 6 mths...adehhh bertambah mengah bila berjalan.
8- Despite semua ujian yg Allah turun kan tu, I can be happy with one thing. Our new home dah siap. YEAY!!! At least I can go shopping for this new house…what a therapy…Thank you Allah.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Today is my Man's Bday. He's 46 today. Masih hensem dan gagah org nye hahahaha!
Happy Bday Sayang.
Semoga Allah beri kesihatan yg baik, so that u boleh terus beramal kepada Nya dan bermuamalat dgn sebaik2 nya sesama makhluk.
Semoga Allah panjang kan umur u (dan me) semoga lebih byk pahala dan kebaikan yg boleh u buat. Serta lebih byk masa kita boleh berkasih sayang...menjaga dan memberi kasih sayang pada anak2 dan keluarga unconditionally. Amin.
30th Aug was my bday. 33rd.
Most women don't share their age with others but not me.
Am proud to be 33. Sebenarnye ingatkan tahun ni dah 34, tersilap kira...hehehe.
I love being in 30s sbb I feel better. Better than when I was in 20s. in my 20s I had a messy life. I didn't have my own stand, no objective in doing anything... I simply pleased people around me.
When I reached 30, things started to change. I have set my career journey according to what I want in future. I stop changing jobs just because I had enough with the existing job or I want a higher pay. I started to focus. And give myself the room to experience the good and the bad things fr one company, give myself the opportunity to learn and to do mistakes. So that I understand and improve myself on how to tackle things differently.
When I reached 30, I learnt one thing that is very important. Saying NO and YES to the right things; based on what I need and what people need. I slowly stopped to pleased people blindly. I have also managed to draw lines when trusting and loving anyone.
I know what I want for me. That was an achievement! :D. That is why i love being 33. Not sure what will I feel when I reach 40..??? Maybe tak sama kot...
But anyway, I guess to feel good about ourselves is easy. Do the right things... and do things right. Selagi ada kudrat Allah pinjam kan, kita usaha supaya kita boleh achieve perkara2 baik yg kita dah set and target. Bila kita berjaya achieve segala2nya, tak kisah umur kita brape, mesti kita bangga dgn diri kita...kan?
Happy Bday Sayang.
Semoga Allah beri kesihatan yg baik, so that u boleh terus beramal kepada Nya dan bermuamalat dgn sebaik2 nya sesama makhluk.
Semoga Allah panjang kan umur u (dan me) semoga lebih byk pahala dan kebaikan yg boleh u buat. Serta lebih byk masa kita boleh berkasih sayang...menjaga dan memberi kasih sayang pada anak2 dan keluarga unconditionally. Amin.
30th Aug was my bday. 33rd.
Most women don't share their age with others but not me.
Am proud to be 33. Sebenarnye ingatkan tahun ni dah 34, tersilap kira...hehehe.
I love being in 30s sbb I feel better. Better than when I was in 20s. in my 20s I had a messy life. I didn't have my own stand, no objective in doing anything... I simply pleased people around me.
When I reached 30, things started to change. I have set my career journey according to what I want in future. I stop changing jobs just because I had enough with the existing job or I want a higher pay. I started to focus. And give myself the room to experience the good and the bad things fr one company, give myself the opportunity to learn and to do mistakes. So that I understand and improve myself on how to tackle things differently.
When I reached 30, I learnt one thing that is very important. Saying NO and YES to the right things; based on what I need and what people need. I slowly stopped to pleased people blindly. I have also managed to draw lines when trusting and loving anyone.
I know what I want for me. That was an achievement! :D. That is why i love being 33. Not sure what will I feel when I reach 40..??? Maybe tak sama kot...
But anyway, I guess to feel good about ourselves is easy. Do the right things... and do things right. Selagi ada kudrat Allah pinjam kan, kita usaha supaya kita boleh achieve perkara2 baik yg kita dah set and target. Bila kita berjaya achieve segala2nya, tak kisah umur kita brape, mesti kita bangga dgn diri kita...kan?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
2nd Wed Anniversary!
23rd Aug 2010- Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to DH and myself!
Bila bgtahu mama, its our 2nd anny, mama kata”baru 2 tahun??? Mcm dah bertahun2 je korang ni dah kawen” hehehe…
Celebrations? Takde pun. We both cuti, coz nak hantar anakanda tercinta yg high maintenance tu jumpa dermatologist. Plan nye lepas appointment tu, terus hantar bibik & sikecik balik, then kitorg pegi beli handbag yg DH janji nak hadiahkan. Then I want to buy some baju for myself yg semakin mengembang ni. I don’t have anything on that day physically as a present for DH, not even a card (terukkan?). So I planned to spend a good dinner to celebrate. Guess what? Harapan indah tu semua musnah sbb appointment abes dah pukul 5, dgn traffic jam semua, we arrived home at 6:30. Tp I was so surprised to see a bouquet of fresh lilies & roses depan pintu rumah. Bouquet paling besar dlm sejarah yg pernah di terima.
Ended up berbuka kat rumah, tapau nasi goring ayam. I asked DH whether he wanted to go out lepas maghrib, dua2 pun dah kepenatan. Wpun rasa bersalah sbb tkde apa2 pun I prepared for him on the special day, tp he got the hint already yg I have ordered something special for him that can only be delivered to him a week before raya. I know he’ll love it so much.
Hmmm last two years, on our wedding day … I had lots of questions in my head. Fear and worried of uncertainties. But was praying for things to turn out to be better. The only reason I wanted to marry him was HIM. Coz he is the best man I never imagine I’ll meet. Coz I love him unconditionally and I know he’ll make me happy for the rest of my life. Because of that, I ignore the fact that the other factors were not good to my decision (to marry him). Instead of concern at the possibilities I’ll be facing hard time handling his circle, I just shut the worries off, just be myself and leave it to The Creator. Keep praying asking for His blessings so that they will look at me for who I am. Lihat guna mata hati …
Alhamdulillah, dah 2 tahun berlalu… takde apa yg lebih membahagiakan dari perkahwinan ini. Allah permudahkan segala2nya utk semua.
Semoga kasih sayang ini akan lebih kuat dari ke hari. Amin.
Bila bgtahu mama, its our 2nd anny, mama kata”baru 2 tahun??? Mcm dah bertahun2 je korang ni dah kawen” hehehe…
Celebrations? Takde pun. We both cuti, coz nak hantar anakanda tercinta yg high maintenance tu jumpa dermatologist. Plan nye lepas appointment tu, terus hantar bibik & sikecik balik, then kitorg pegi beli handbag yg DH janji nak hadiahkan. Then I want to buy some baju for myself yg semakin mengembang ni. I don’t have anything on that day physically as a present for DH, not even a card (terukkan?). So I planned to spend a good dinner to celebrate. Guess what? Harapan indah tu semua musnah sbb appointment abes dah pukul 5, dgn traffic jam semua, we arrived home at 6:30. Tp I was so surprised to see a bouquet of fresh lilies & roses depan pintu rumah. Bouquet paling besar dlm sejarah yg pernah di terima.
Ended up berbuka kat rumah, tapau nasi goring ayam. I asked DH whether he wanted to go out lepas maghrib, dua2 pun dah kepenatan. Wpun rasa bersalah sbb tkde apa2 pun I prepared for him on the special day, tp he got the hint already yg I have ordered something special for him that can only be delivered to him a week before raya. I know he’ll love it so much.
Hmmm last two years, on our wedding day … I had lots of questions in my head. Fear and worried of uncertainties. But was praying for things to turn out to be better. The only reason I wanted to marry him was HIM. Coz he is the best man I never imagine I’ll meet. Coz I love him unconditionally and I know he’ll make me happy for the rest of my life. Because of that, I ignore the fact that the other factors were not good to my decision (to marry him). Instead of concern at the possibilities I’ll be facing hard time handling his circle, I just shut the worries off, just be myself and leave it to The Creator. Keep praying asking for His blessings so that they will look at me for who I am. Lihat guna mata hati …
Alhamdulillah, dah 2 tahun berlalu… takde apa yg lebih membahagiakan dari perkahwinan ini. Allah permudahkan segala2nya utk semua.
Semoga kasih sayang ini akan lebih kuat dari ke hari. Amin.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Segala Pujian Tertinggi bagi Allah yg Maha Memberi dan Mengasihi.
I got the letter on Friday- got the promotion.
Sangat terharu sbb Allah beri juga rezeki ni pd hamba Nya yg selalu lalai dan degil ni.
Terima Kasih Allah.
Semoga dekat hati ini dgn Mu.
Semoga slowly hamba Mu ini akan menjadi lebih baik setiap hari.
Semoga setiap udara Mu yg ku sedut akan membuang segala yg negative dlm diri ini.
Semoga setiap denyutan nadi yg Kau pinjamkan ini akan menarik segala yg positive disekelilingku ke dlm hati dan berkesan ke setiap tindakan ku.
Sangat terharu sbb Allah beri juga rezeki ni pd hamba Nya yg selalu lalai dan degil ni.
Terima Kasih Allah.
Semoga dekat hati ini dgn Mu.
Semoga slowly hamba Mu ini akan menjadi lebih baik setiap hari.
Semoga setiap udara Mu yg ku sedut akan membuang segala yg negative dlm diri ini.
Semoga setiap denyutan nadi yg Kau pinjamkan ini akan menarik segala yg positive disekelilingku ke dlm hati dan berkesan ke setiap tindakan ku.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Pregnant Mom.
Dah mula rasa penat.
10 weeks pregnant and having a 13mth toddler around yg baru pandai jalan.
Plus bekerja dgn sepenuh hati.
Memang penat.
Semalam Humairah demam plak. Wahhh every 2 hrs terjaga, monitor body temp and memujuk dia yg asyik terkejut and nangis.
Peluk dia. Selagi tak dengar suara ibu ni, dia akan keep merengek. So mmg kena be beside her to comfort her.
Nasib baik DH mmg superdad. Dialah yg akan buat susu, pegi amik apa2 yg diperlukan; kain lap, gayung and air utk spongekan Humairah. Amik minyak angin, urut perut and tapak kaki and everything. Ibu hanya perlu berada beside Humairah.
Memang agak mencabar.
Am still breastfeeding.
Tapi si kecik tu bukan nya nak minum sangat. Melekap hanya utk bermanja2 atau main peekaboo dgn ibu. Dia sangat suka bergurau.
Humairah dah berjalan satu rumah. Mana2 pintu bilik tak tutup, dia akan explore bilik tu. Kalau abah kat dlm bilik nak solat, dia akan cari abah dlm bilik...buat2 terkejut then lari cari ibu kat luar.
Kalau sliding door tak tutup, dia akan lepak kat balcony.
Favorite spot, duduk atas coffee table. Dia akan panjat coffee table dan berdiri atas tu...then panjat pulak sofa yg bersebelahan dgn coffe table, then turun kat coffee table semula and duduk situ for a while.
Dah boring dia akan pegi kat TV and swith off. then on kan semula...
So bayangkan, bila ibu & abah di rumah, memang kami terpaksa bekerja sama melayan kerenah Humairah.
Seronok dan penat.
Last Saturday, pegi check up. At last nampak juga si Peanut#2. Comel kaki dia goyang2. Hehehe...bahagia sgt rasanya. DH nampak confident dgn apa yg dia nampak kat ultrasound tu. Tak mcm 1st time dia tgk Humairah masa dlm perut. Doc tunjuk "ni baby...ni kepala, ni kaki dia..." dia angguk2 tp mmg confirm dia tak nampak apa2...hehehe.
My EDD is 11th Feb 2011...11022011. Nice number haa? Humairah dulu...20062009. cantek gak.
Hopefully 2nd pregnancy berjalan lancar. So far masih lagi morning sickness. Tp semangat kena kuat. Menahan segala makanan yg dah masuk...try as much possible tahan dr muntah. Kalau tak leceh, nak kena isi perut lagi.
Office ada mcm2 hal.
Major restructuring-Again-.
Tp ni mmg major lah sbb Division kitorg akan pupus. All of us will be absorbed to other divisions. My boss dah head a new Division.
I have a new boss now.
Most prob, once the new structure confirmed, my team will get a new scope of work (costing)on top of the current one (accounting & operations). Basically accounting & operations will no longer be big as now coz the ppl (team) we manage will be smaller and very focus...yeay! Budget diorg pun tak besar except for CAPEX. Double yeay! My new boss pun new...he's fr competitor. Tp dia mmg well known in the industry... so that's an advantage for me. Boss dulu pun well known juga, tp when i served him, jarang dpt hv session dgn dia sbb dia head of Division. He has many departments to look after. Now my new boss mmg focus buat costing and accounting, so mmg hari2 he'll sit down and work with me.
Baru rasa ada arah tujuan hehehe.
Tiba2 smlm ada offer, to join diff division.
A nice VP had a chit chat with me if I want to join her.
Doing about the same function I am doing now...plus Planning.
An option to explore.
Bila dah keadaan mcm ni, tiba2 teringat plak pasal interview hari tu...ntah bila nak kluar result ntah.
Bila dah ada major restructuring ni, bila Division ni dah nak pupus ni, diorg nak ke promotekan kitorg? Tp when I raised tat issue masa borak2 dgn VP tu dia ckp promotion interview tu diorg rate based on individual performance, nothing to do with the divisional performance. Lagipun, division ni nak kena split bukan sbb performance tak bagus, tp sbb company direction...
and she said, promotion result ari tu akan kluar after the structure punye announcement.
Owhhh ok lah tu...
Aku, kalau dapat of course lah happy... means ada salary increament...then at least aku tahu keje keras aku ada hasil....alhamdulillah.
Kalau tak dapat, means belum rezeki aku lagi... kena lipat ganda usaha lah.
InsyaAllah, kalau dah rezeki, Allah dah tulis...tak dpt tahun ni, tahun lain mesti dapat. AMIN.
10 weeks pregnant and having a 13mth toddler around yg baru pandai jalan.
Plus bekerja dgn sepenuh hati.
Memang penat.
Semalam Humairah demam plak. Wahhh every 2 hrs terjaga, monitor body temp and memujuk dia yg asyik terkejut and nangis.
Peluk dia. Selagi tak dengar suara ibu ni, dia akan keep merengek. So mmg kena be beside her to comfort her.
Nasib baik DH mmg superdad. Dialah yg akan buat susu, pegi amik apa2 yg diperlukan; kain lap, gayung and air utk spongekan Humairah. Amik minyak angin, urut perut and tapak kaki and everything. Ibu hanya perlu berada beside Humairah.
Memang agak mencabar.
Am still breastfeeding.
Tapi si kecik tu bukan nya nak minum sangat. Melekap hanya utk bermanja2 atau main peekaboo dgn ibu. Dia sangat suka bergurau.
Humairah dah berjalan satu rumah. Mana2 pintu bilik tak tutup, dia akan explore bilik tu. Kalau abah kat dlm bilik nak solat, dia akan cari abah dlm bilik...buat2 terkejut then lari cari ibu kat luar.
Kalau sliding door tak tutup, dia akan lepak kat balcony.
Favorite spot, duduk atas coffee table. Dia akan panjat coffee table dan berdiri atas tu...then panjat pulak sofa yg bersebelahan dgn coffe table, then turun kat coffee table semula and duduk situ for a while.
Dah boring dia akan pegi kat TV and swith off. then on kan semula...
So bayangkan, bila ibu & abah di rumah, memang kami terpaksa bekerja sama melayan kerenah Humairah.
Seronok dan penat.
Last Saturday, pegi check up. At last nampak juga si Peanut#2. Comel kaki dia goyang2. Hehehe...bahagia sgt rasanya. DH nampak confident dgn apa yg dia nampak kat ultrasound tu. Tak mcm 1st time dia tgk Humairah masa dlm perut. Doc tunjuk "ni baby...ni kepala, ni kaki dia..." dia angguk2 tp mmg confirm dia tak nampak apa2...hehehe.
My EDD is 11th Feb 2011...11022011. Nice number haa? Humairah dulu...20062009. cantek gak.
Hopefully 2nd pregnancy berjalan lancar. So far masih lagi morning sickness. Tp semangat kena kuat. Menahan segala makanan yg dah masuk...try as much possible tahan dr muntah. Kalau tak leceh, nak kena isi perut lagi.
Office ada mcm2 hal.
Major restructuring-Again-.
Tp ni mmg major lah sbb Division kitorg akan pupus. All of us will be absorbed to other divisions. My boss dah head a new Division.
I have a new boss now.
Most prob, once the new structure confirmed, my team will get a new scope of work (costing)on top of the current one (accounting & operations). Basically accounting & operations will no longer be big as now coz the ppl (team) we manage will be smaller and very focus...yeay! Budget diorg pun tak besar except for CAPEX. Double yeay! My new boss pun new...he's fr competitor. Tp dia mmg well known in the industry... so that's an advantage for me. Boss dulu pun well known juga, tp when i served him, jarang dpt hv session dgn dia sbb dia head of Division. He has many departments to look after. Now my new boss mmg focus buat costing and accounting, so mmg hari2 he'll sit down and work with me.
Baru rasa ada arah tujuan hehehe.
Tiba2 smlm ada offer, to join diff division.
A nice VP had a chit chat with me if I want to join her.
Doing about the same function I am doing now...plus Planning.
An option to explore.
Bila dah keadaan mcm ni, tiba2 teringat plak pasal interview hari tu...ntah bila nak kluar result ntah.
Bila dah ada major restructuring ni, bila Division ni dah nak pupus ni, diorg nak ke promotekan kitorg? Tp when I raised tat issue masa borak2 dgn VP tu dia ckp promotion interview tu diorg rate based on individual performance, nothing to do with the divisional performance. Lagipun, division ni nak kena split bukan sbb performance tak bagus, tp sbb company direction...
and she said, promotion result ari tu akan kluar after the structure punye announcement.
Owhhh ok lah tu...
Aku, kalau dapat of course lah happy... means ada salary increament...then at least aku tahu keje keras aku ada hasil....alhamdulillah.
Kalau tak dapat, means belum rezeki aku lagi... kena lipat ganda usaha lah.
InsyaAllah, kalau dah rezeki, Allah dah tulis...tak dpt tahun ni, tahun lain mesti dapat. AMIN.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sorry, coz I smell like my late grandma.
Bau minyak cap kapak!!!
Dah 2 hari tertinggal tiger balm (ehsan Malinda my neighbour @ ofc) kat rumah.
Si kecik tu suka sangat selongkar bag ofc, keluarkan semua brg then masuk kan semula...i guess dua hari lepas tak masuk kan balik tiger balm dlm bag.
So hari ni sbb dah pening sgt, mintak sikit Kak Niza punye minyak cap kapak.
Takde org lain yg aku akan ingat bila bau minyak cap kapak ni.... arwah uwan lah org nye.
Nampaknye, kalau Allah izinkan, selama 7 bulan lebih lagi, perfume akan jimat kerana perfume telah pun digantikan dgn minyak angin. Can smell something already???
Hahaha... yes, Humairah nak dpt adik, insyaAllah.
Now baru 8 nak masuk 9th week. Tp masa 6th week, did ultrasound tp tak nampak apa2.
Esok appointment dgn Doc Rahman. Harap2 peanut #2 dah besar sikit, and tak main nyorok2 dah dgn ibu. I want to see u dear. The 1st sight always a special moment to me.
Rata2 ramai yg terkejut monkey bila tau I am expecting. Most of them were like "AGAIN????" or "I tot u just had 1???" hahahhaa.... What can I say?.... Alhamdulillah... Ini Rezeki Allah bagi.
Dulu I tot I just want 1. No specific reason, I just want to have 1... kalau org kata tak takut sunyi ke kalau dah tua...? I guess, kalau anak ramai pun, kalau Allah takdirkan most of the time anak2 tak jenguk kita, akan sunyi juga nanti... and for me, I am not worry about DH tak agree anak sorang je...sbb we have 4 actually. We have Qiellah, Hazim and Hanis plus little Humairah. Like I said, kalau anak2 4 org ni nanti dah besar, dah ada life sendiri... diorg rajin jenguk kitorg Alhamdulillah, tak lah sunyi...tp kalau ada 4 pon, tp semua Allah takdirkan mmg takde masa nak jenguk kitorg, sunyi jugak nanti.... so yg penting skrg ni doa je banyak2 supaya anak2 kita tu sentiasa ingat kat kita, sentiasa nak dekat dgn kita AMIN.
Dulu mmglah rasa Humairah dah cukup. Tp lepas DH gave a very strong fact, aku pun akur utk peanut #2. DH ckp, kesian kat Humairah. She'll be lonely... kakak2 and abg dia semua dah besar. The tendency for her to spoil is very big. Kalau dah anak sorang kan? Semua perhatian pd dia... kakak, abg , kazen, aunties, uncles, atuks, neneks and semua bg attention kat dia.... and she herself takkan faham erti sharing.
Since then, semuanya berubah. 100% agree dgn DH. Lepas tu bila fikir2, semua ni Allah dah tetapkan. Kalau plan nak 1 je, tp Allah dah tulis dulu 8, 8 jugak jadi nye...hehehe. And kalau plan nak 4 or 5, tp kalau Allah dah tulis takde dah....nak buat mcm mana kan? Redha sahaja dgn Qada' dan Qadar...sbb Allah lebih tahu apa yg terbaik utk hamba Nya. Kita hanya perlu lead this life dgn cara yg betul dan terbaik yg kita mampu.
So Peanut no#2, ibu tak sabar nk tgk awk esok. For the past 8 weeks, ibu sentiasa rasa nak demam and muntah hijau hari2. Nasib baik ibu dapat boss baru kat office, so ibu kena jadi sgt strong utk paksa diri pegi office setiap hari. Ibu harap semangat ibu nak pegi keje yg kuat tahap dewa ni awak warisi...so bila awk lahir dan membesar, awak akan jadi kuat semangat dan rajin mcm ibu (sekarang lah...). Walaupun sakit and lembik, ibu tetap pegi ofc... hehehe...semata2 tanak menjadikan pregnancy sbg reason utk MC which will create a bad perception towards me. Sbb ibu cari rezeki dgn kerja ini...semuanya perlu positive... supaya rezeki kita ni diredhai Allah. AMIN.
Ok lah, I'll see u tomorrow darling..!
Dah 2 hari tertinggal tiger balm (ehsan Malinda my neighbour @ ofc) kat rumah.
Si kecik tu suka sangat selongkar bag ofc, keluarkan semua brg then masuk kan semula...i guess dua hari lepas tak masuk kan balik tiger balm dlm bag.
So hari ni sbb dah pening sgt, mintak sikit Kak Niza punye minyak cap kapak.
Takde org lain yg aku akan ingat bila bau minyak cap kapak ni.... arwah uwan lah org nye.
Nampaknye, kalau Allah izinkan, selama 7 bulan lebih lagi, perfume akan jimat kerana perfume telah pun digantikan dgn minyak angin. Can smell something already???
Hahaha... yes, Humairah nak dpt adik, insyaAllah.
Now baru 8 nak masuk 9th week. Tp masa 6th week, did ultrasound tp tak nampak apa2.
Esok appointment dgn Doc Rahman. Harap2 peanut #2 dah besar sikit, and tak main nyorok2 dah dgn ibu. I want to see u dear. The 1st sight always a special moment to me.
Rata2 ramai yg terkejut monkey bila tau I am expecting. Most of them were like "AGAIN????" or "I tot u just had 1???" hahahhaa.... What can I say?.... Alhamdulillah... Ini Rezeki Allah bagi.
Dulu I tot I just want 1. No specific reason, I just want to have 1... kalau org kata tak takut sunyi ke kalau dah tua...? I guess, kalau anak ramai pun, kalau Allah takdirkan most of the time anak2 tak jenguk kita, akan sunyi juga nanti... and for me, I am not worry about DH tak agree anak sorang je...sbb we have 4 actually. We have Qiellah, Hazim and Hanis plus little Humairah. Like I said, kalau anak2 4 org ni nanti dah besar, dah ada life sendiri... diorg rajin jenguk kitorg Alhamdulillah, tak lah sunyi...tp kalau ada 4 pon, tp semua Allah takdirkan mmg takde masa nak jenguk kitorg, sunyi jugak nanti.... so yg penting skrg ni doa je banyak2 supaya anak2 kita tu sentiasa ingat kat kita, sentiasa nak dekat dgn kita AMIN.
Dulu mmglah rasa Humairah dah cukup. Tp lepas DH gave a very strong fact, aku pun akur utk peanut #2. DH ckp, kesian kat Humairah. She'll be lonely... kakak2 and abg dia semua dah besar. The tendency for her to spoil is very big. Kalau dah anak sorang kan? Semua perhatian pd dia... kakak, abg , kazen, aunties, uncles, atuks, neneks and semua bg attention kat dia.... and she herself takkan faham erti sharing.
Since then, semuanya berubah. 100% agree dgn DH. Lepas tu bila fikir2, semua ni Allah dah tetapkan. Kalau plan nak 1 je, tp Allah dah tulis dulu 8, 8 jugak jadi nye...hehehe. And kalau plan nak 4 or 5, tp kalau Allah dah tulis takde dah....nak buat mcm mana kan? Redha sahaja dgn Qada' dan Qadar...sbb Allah lebih tahu apa yg terbaik utk hamba Nya. Kita hanya perlu lead this life dgn cara yg betul dan terbaik yg kita mampu.
So Peanut no#2, ibu tak sabar nk tgk awk esok. For the past 8 weeks, ibu sentiasa rasa nak demam and muntah hijau hari2. Nasib baik ibu dapat boss baru kat office, so ibu kena jadi sgt strong utk paksa diri pegi office setiap hari. Ibu harap semangat ibu nak pegi keje yg kuat tahap dewa ni awak warisi...so bila awk lahir dan membesar, awak akan jadi kuat semangat dan rajin mcm ibu (sekarang lah...). Walaupun sakit and lembik, ibu tetap pegi ofc... hehehe...semata2 tanak menjadikan pregnancy sbg reason utk MC which will create a bad perception towards me. Sbb ibu cari rezeki dgn kerja ini...semuanya perlu positive... supaya rezeki kita ni diredhai Allah. AMIN.
Ok lah, I'll see u tomorrow darling..!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Petua Utk Pregnant (bg mereka yg bermasalah).
Hari Jumaat ni kena perbanyakkan amalan.
Sharing info pun kira amalan.
Ni bukan petua nenek kebayan.
Just nak share mcm mana aku boleh conceived setelah bertahun2 gagal , setelah dua kali operations and beratus2 kali appointment dgn gynea(s).
Terpanggil nak share sbb I always share this with friends yg bertanya...and Alhamdulillah, one of them dah conceived, I guess dah deliver pun.
Mcm ni...
Key dia is....Percaya dgn sungguh2, yg Allah Maha Besar; Maha Berkuasa, hanya Dia tempat kita meminta dan memohon perlindungan. Dia yg menentukan segala2nya tentang kita.
Amalan nya... Allah sudah beritahu, dalam bulan Ramadhan ada satu malam dalam 10 malam terakhir, yg Allah akan perkenankan segala permintaan hambanya. So gunakan peluang itu. Just bangun Tahajjud setiap malam, solat Hajat, Zikir, mengaji dan mintalah dgn sungguh2 pada Nya. Means kita takkan miss malam yg special yg Allah janjikan itu, kalau kita bangun tiap2 mlm kan? Kalau ter miss, atau rasa susah.... buat saja di malam2 ganjil... tp apalah sangat tak tidur 10 mlm, nak dibandingkan dgn rezeki yg Allah akan bagi melalui doa kita itu kan? Kita inginkan zuriat, 10 mlm beribadat tak berat langsung.
Bila Allah makbulkan, dah pregnant...bersyukurlah dgn pelbagai cara. Paling mudah terus sujud syukur...then teruskan lah panjatkan kesyukuran pd Yg Maha Memberi dgn memberi pula kpd yg memerlukan. Share apa yg kita ada... lg pun Allah dah beritahu, apa yg kita own bukan 100% hak kita...so infaq kan.
So itu sahaja utk hari ni...
Semoga apa yg dishare ni, akan membawa kebaikan pd sesiapa yg memerlukan.
By the way, sgt excited.... nak balik kampung...my sis dah dpt baby...girl...Humairah dpt geng baru.
See u lil niece Daphena Khalisha!
Sharing info pun kira amalan.
Ni bukan petua nenek kebayan.
Just nak share mcm mana aku boleh conceived setelah bertahun2 gagal , setelah dua kali operations and beratus2 kali appointment dgn gynea(s).
Terpanggil nak share sbb I always share this with friends yg bertanya...and Alhamdulillah, one of them dah conceived, I guess dah deliver pun.
Mcm ni...
Key dia is....Percaya dgn sungguh2, yg Allah Maha Besar; Maha Berkuasa, hanya Dia tempat kita meminta dan memohon perlindungan. Dia yg menentukan segala2nya tentang kita.
Amalan nya... Allah sudah beritahu, dalam bulan Ramadhan ada satu malam dalam 10 malam terakhir, yg Allah akan perkenankan segala permintaan hambanya. So gunakan peluang itu. Just bangun Tahajjud setiap malam, solat Hajat, Zikir, mengaji dan mintalah dgn sungguh2 pada Nya. Means kita takkan miss malam yg special yg Allah janjikan itu, kalau kita bangun tiap2 mlm kan? Kalau ter miss, atau rasa susah.... buat saja di malam2 ganjil... tp apalah sangat tak tidur 10 mlm, nak dibandingkan dgn rezeki yg Allah akan bagi melalui doa kita itu kan? Kita inginkan zuriat, 10 mlm beribadat tak berat langsung.
Bila Allah makbulkan, dah pregnant...bersyukurlah dgn pelbagai cara. Paling mudah terus sujud syukur...then teruskan lah panjatkan kesyukuran pd Yg Maha Memberi dgn memberi pula kpd yg memerlukan. Share apa yg kita ada... lg pun Allah dah beritahu, apa yg kita own bukan 100% hak kita...so infaq kan.
So itu sahaja utk hari ni...
Semoga apa yg dishare ni, akan membawa kebaikan pd sesiapa yg memerlukan.
By the way, sgt excited.... nak balik kampung...my sis dah dpt baby...girl...Humairah dpt geng baru.
See u lil niece Daphena Khalisha!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Yeay! I solved my 1st Sudoku Puzzle!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
*June 20, 2010* Selamat Hari Jadi yg pertama, anak ibu...Adreen Humairah.
Anak ibu Humairah...cepatnya setahun berlalu.

Rasa mcm baru semalam ibu menahan sakit contraction masa Humairah nak lahir.
Skrg Humairah dah one year, Humairah dah boleh jalan setapak dua, kadang2 sampai lima tapak.
Ibu sangat bangga dgn anak ibu... Humairah tak pernah penat nak berlatih jalan. Kadang2 sampai bibik dah tak larat nak pimpin Humairah, Humairah masih nak berjalan keliling rumah. Harapnya sikap Humairah yg sentiasa bersungguh2 tu Humairah guna pada perkara2 yg baik ye sayang. Ibu selalu doakan yg itu, sebab ibu tahu, itu adalah pengaruh nama "Adreen" yg maksudnya "bersungguh2"...dan ibu yg beria2 nak nama itu utk anak ibu.
Humairah sayang, tak tahu mcm mana ibu nak expresskan betapa ibu kasih dan sayang pada Humairah. Ibu rasa sangat bersalah setiap kali ibu terpaksa tinggalkan Humairah. Ibu ralat bila ibu tak mampu nak berada sepenuh masa disisi Humairah, utk lihat setiap detik Humairah membesar. Ibu sedih sbb ibu tk dapat masak bubur Humairah setiap hari, suapkan Humairah makan, mandikan Humairah... haiisshhhh...kalau lah ibu mampu utk jadi fulltime housewife...
Hanya Allah je tahu mcm mana hati ibu everytime ibu lihat kadang2 Humairah nangis pagi2 bila ibu nak pegi kerja. Sama je perasaannya dihati ibu kalaupun Humairah tak nangis...berat hati ibu nak tinggalkan anak ibu.
Humairah, ibu tak mampu menentukan masa depan Humairah. Semua ibu mahu yg terbaik utk anak mereka... mcm tu juga ibu. Apa yg ibu boleh buat ialah utk bimbing Humairah, guide Humairah utk mencapai masa depan yg baik.
Humairah perlu ingat, tiada apa yg lebih penting dlm hidup ini selain kasih sayang dan berbuat baik kpd Allah, ibu, abah, adik beradik, seluruh kluarga dan semua makluk Allah. Humairah perlu ingat tu. Jika Humairah amalkan itu, insyaAllah, segala2nya datang dgn mudah pada Humairah. Amin.
Jaga hati Humairah baik2, sbb hati adalah punca diri kita, peribadi, jiwa, akhlak dan masa depan kita. Jadi seorang penyabar seperti babah. Bila bercakap, perlahankan suara dan sampaikan setiap ayat Humairah dgn ikhlas dan lembut.
Humairah anak ibu, ibu akan sentiasa ada untuk Humairah. Ibu nak share segala2nya dgn Humairah. Ibu bahagia melihat wajah comel Humairah masa Humairah lahir; hilang terus segala kesakitan... ibu peluk Humairah kuat2 semasa Humairah nangis takutkan clown semasa birthday party Humairah yg pertama...dan ibu ingin terus bersama Humairah di hari2 penting Humairah.
Jika tiba masa ibu dah tak berdaya, atau ibu tiada lagi utk bersama2 Humairah disaat hari penting Humairah, Humairah jgn sedih. Hakikatnya ibu sentiasa ada dengan Humairah. Harapan ibu, kasih sayang ibu dah ada dlm diri Humairah sebab ibu yg lahirkan dan ibu dah pun bentuk Humairah dgn cara ibu (I hope I will...amin)... selain itu, dlm nama Humairah ada nama ibu...dlm mata Humairah ada mata ibu...darah Humairah adalah darah ibu...Humairah adalah kasih sayang ibu.
Ibu sayangkan Humairah, I love u so much.
Happy 1st Birthday....anak ibu!

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Humairah's First Step.
She'll be 1 in 2 days.
Tats how time flies so fast.
She does few steps now.
Everytime she did that, she'll clap her hands and cheering 'yeaaaayyyyy'!!!
Her 1st word was 'babah'.
It was when she was 6.
Till today, she has mastered two more words (that she really knows wat they meant).
"Aya" means "saya". Whenever I asked "sapa sayang ibu angkat tangan?" She'll raise her hand and say "Ayaaaaaaaa".
"Tah.." means "dah" or "sudah". "Humairah nak lagi ?" she'll adswer... "tahhh"
She knows who's her "abah" or "babah" but she can't say the word "bu" or "ibu" yet. huhuhhuhu...
By 10 month she knows how to do flying kiss (with the mmmuaaahhhss sound) but terbalik...means, sepatutnya kiss the palm tp dia kiss kat belakang tgn.
And she knows how to kiss...when I said, "one kiss for ibu please" she'll open her mouth wide with the sound "mmmuaahhhsss" while kissing my cheek.
And everytime me or anyone unlock the main door, and give salam, and enter the house she'll excitedly waive and cheer "aaaaaaaaaaaaa" (as hi!). That is like her routine... although she is busy watching Little Einstein, She will still waive and say "aaaaaaa" while watching the TV, mata still kat TV..hehehe...
Lately, my girl terlebih manja... everyone notice that. She cried for little things, like whenever she wants me to carry her but I need to betulkan my pants dulu...she'll cry. Or I left her with bibik when nature calls... she'll scream. And paling tak larat, every night she'll wakes up and cry... nangis yg beria2... satu mlm paling sikit 2 kali...and I had a sleepless night. Samalah mcm my husband...tak cukup tido, but he of course lah because of World Cup.
I remember while I was pregnant, masa baru2, ada terlintas dlm hati... "larat ke aku ni nak jaga anak sendiri nanti. Masa single pun, most of the time balik rumah dah tak larat, diri sendiri pun tak terjaga"....but when I am a mother, rupa2nya soalan tu tak pernah muncul. A different question plak... "dah cukup ke masa yg aku bg pd anak aku ni? TAK...tak pernah cukup...I need to spend more time with her"... walaupun workload bertambah kat ofc, tapi bila habis ofc hour, terus tenaga dtg berkobar2 nak balik rumah, nak spend masa dgn anak...rasa sgt bersalah kalau terpaksa balik lambat. Kadang2 sbb tak nak bazirkan walau sesaat masa dgn anak, I'll not have my shower till she sleeps. Masuk je rumah, basuh tangan n kaki, then peluk dia kuat2...and spend time with her smpai dia tidur. Baru puas hati.
Being a mother is the most amazing experience for me. Bagilah duit berbillion2 or bagilah hadiah melancong 5 star ke mana2 destinasi kat dunia... tak akan sama dgn anugerah kebahagiaan menjadi seorang ibu yg Allah bagi ni...MasyaAllah....
Tats how time flies so fast.
She does few steps now.
Everytime she did that, she'll clap her hands and cheering 'yeaaaayyyyy'!!!
Her 1st word was 'babah'.
It was when she was 6.
Till today, she has mastered two more words (that she really knows wat they meant).
"Aya" means "saya". Whenever I asked "sapa sayang ibu angkat tangan?" She'll raise her hand and say "Ayaaaaaaaa".
"Tah.." means "dah" or "sudah". "Humairah nak lagi ?" she'll adswer... "tahhh"
She knows who's her "abah" or "babah" but she can't say the word "bu" or "ibu" yet. huhuhhuhu...
By 10 month she knows how to do flying kiss (with the mmmuaaahhhss sound) but terbalik...means, sepatutnya kiss the palm tp dia kiss kat belakang tgn.
And she knows how to kiss...when I said, "one kiss for ibu please" she'll open her mouth wide with the sound "mmmuaahhhsss" while kissing my cheek.
And everytime me or anyone unlock the main door, and give salam, and enter the house she'll excitedly waive and cheer "aaaaaaaaaaaaa" (as hi!). That is like her routine... although she is busy watching Little Einstein, She will still waive and say "aaaaaaa" while watching the TV, mata still kat TV..hehehe...
Lately, my girl terlebih manja... everyone notice that. She cried for little things, like whenever she wants me to carry her but I need to betulkan my pants dulu...she'll cry. Or I left her with bibik when nature calls... she'll scream. And paling tak larat, every night she'll wakes up and cry... nangis yg beria2... satu mlm paling sikit 2 kali...and I had a sleepless night. Samalah mcm my husband...tak cukup tido, but he of course lah because of World Cup.
I remember while I was pregnant, masa baru2, ada terlintas dlm hati... "larat ke aku ni nak jaga anak sendiri nanti. Masa single pun, most of the time balik rumah dah tak larat, diri sendiri pun tak terjaga"....but when I am a mother, rupa2nya soalan tu tak pernah muncul. A different question plak... "dah cukup ke masa yg aku bg pd anak aku ni? TAK...tak pernah cukup...I need to spend more time with her"... walaupun workload bertambah kat ofc, tapi bila habis ofc hour, terus tenaga dtg berkobar2 nak balik rumah, nak spend masa dgn anak...rasa sgt bersalah kalau terpaksa balik lambat. Kadang2 sbb tak nak bazirkan walau sesaat masa dgn anak, I'll not have my shower till she sleeps. Masuk je rumah, basuh tangan n kaki, then peluk dia kuat2...and spend time with her smpai dia tidur. Baru puas hati.
Being a mother is the most amazing experience for me. Bagilah duit berbillion2 or bagilah hadiah melancong 5 star ke mana2 destinasi kat dunia... tak akan sama dgn anugerah kebahagiaan menjadi seorang ibu yg Allah bagi ni...MasyaAllah....
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Saya mengaku saya mmg clumsy wpun saya nampak confident.
Kalau makan menda berkuah, mesti ada paling sikit setitik dua kuah tinggal kenangan kat baju.
Kalau jalan, mesti langgar benda, walaupun meja besar depan mata.
Paha,lutut, pinggang mesti biru2 lebam.
Dah lama tak memalukan diri depan org ramai.
Last skali dah 2 tahun lepas sbb sy tegur salah org kat lift, siap tepuk bahu org tu lagi ingatkan dia kawan saya...hahahaha...dulu, itu perkara biasa.
Tapi sejak kawin, DH selalu jadi penyelamat.
Dia slalu remind saya everytime or sebelum ada tanda2 sy nak buat aksi2 memalukan seperti itu.
Ahad lepas kami ke d'Curve dgn Mommy and family.
Masa DH and Mud pegi solat, saya dan mommy masing2 tolak stroller sikecik berdua, ke Metrojaya.
Nak pegi Ladies Depmnt kena turun level bawah.
So pegi la ke escalator.
Saya tak yakin tolak stroller tu utk turun, sbb selalu DH yg buat.
Tp sy cuba yakin kan diri sbb mommy dah turun dulu.
Dada dah berdebar2 bila dah dekat nak sampai bawah.
Dgn confident sy tekan dan tolak.
Nasib tak baik, tayar stroller Humairah tersangkut and tak boleh bergerak ke depan.
Owhhhhhh.....jatuh terduduk saya! melintang...
Percubaan utk bangun gagal sbb escalator terus bergerak.
Nasib baik stroller Humairah tak tergolek seperti saya.
Mommy, seorang pakcik india, dan satu couple chinese dtg tolong tarik stroller Humairah...semangat satu Malaysia...
Then chinese couple tu cuba bantu saya utk bangun.
Nasib baik baju saya tak melekat tersangkut kat dlm escalator tu...kalau tak, haru biru....terkoyak segala baju.
Dan nasib baik masa tu takde org sgt...
Memang sangat memalukan.
Bila keadaan dah ok, said thanks to everybody yg membantu... saya ketawa berdekah2 sbb terbayang betapa buruk dan kelakarnye scene saya jatuh.
Dan saya dan mommy membincangkan bagaimana malunya saya kalau aksi sy tergolek tu disebarkan diinternet...MALUNYE!
Baju saya terkoyak sikit, lebam dilutut...tp ALhamdulillah, Humairah tak apa2.
Saya dah trauma nak tolak stroller kat escalator.
Kalau makan menda berkuah, mesti ada paling sikit setitik dua kuah tinggal kenangan kat baju.
Kalau jalan, mesti langgar benda, walaupun meja besar depan mata.
Paha,lutut, pinggang mesti biru2 lebam.
Dah lama tak memalukan diri depan org ramai.
Last skali dah 2 tahun lepas sbb sy tegur salah org kat lift, siap tepuk bahu org tu lagi ingatkan dia kawan saya...hahahaha...dulu, itu perkara biasa.
Tapi sejak kawin, DH selalu jadi penyelamat.
Dia slalu remind saya everytime or sebelum ada tanda2 sy nak buat aksi2 memalukan seperti itu.
Ahad lepas kami ke d'Curve dgn Mommy and family.
Masa DH and Mud pegi solat, saya dan mommy masing2 tolak stroller sikecik berdua, ke Metrojaya.
Nak pegi Ladies Depmnt kena turun level bawah.
So pegi la ke escalator.
Saya tak yakin tolak stroller tu utk turun, sbb selalu DH yg buat.
Tp sy cuba yakin kan diri sbb mommy dah turun dulu.
Dada dah berdebar2 bila dah dekat nak sampai bawah.
Dgn confident sy tekan dan tolak.
Nasib tak baik, tayar stroller Humairah tersangkut and tak boleh bergerak ke depan.
Owhhhhhh.....jatuh terduduk saya! melintang...
Percubaan utk bangun gagal sbb escalator terus bergerak.
Nasib baik stroller Humairah tak tergolek seperti saya.
Mommy, seorang pakcik india, dan satu couple chinese dtg tolong tarik stroller Humairah...semangat satu Malaysia...
Then chinese couple tu cuba bantu saya utk bangun.
Nasib baik baju saya tak melekat tersangkut kat dlm escalator tu...kalau tak, haru biru....terkoyak segala baju.
Dan nasib baik masa tu takde org sgt...
Memang sangat memalukan.
Bila keadaan dah ok, said thanks to everybody yg membantu... saya ketawa berdekah2 sbb terbayang betapa buruk dan kelakarnye scene saya jatuh.
Dan saya dan mommy membincangkan bagaimana malunya saya kalau aksi sy tergolek tu disebarkan diinternet...MALUNYE!
Baju saya terkoyak sikit, lebam dilutut...tp ALhamdulillah, Humairah tak apa2.
Saya dah trauma nak tolak stroller kat escalator.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Random Tots
Its Friday.
Hari dating sedunia.
Dah brape kali Jumaat dah tak dating sebenarnya.
Kalau solat jumaat, dah lama berdosa...sbb lebih 3 kali.
Saja je tulis tajuk tu.
takde idea pon nak tulis apa.
Cuma rasa sedih sgt dgn apa yg berlaku di Gaza.
Masih teraniaya saudara2 kita kat sana.
Kita dikejutkan smula dr kelalaian kita (mengingati penderitaan mereka) hanya kerana Kapal Marvi kena serang dek Israel yg dilaknat Allah.
Alangkah beruntungnya kita dibumi Malaysia ni, Allah beri rahmat yg mcm2.
Cuba bayangkan jika kita berada dlm keadaan itu.
Sentiasa takut wpun dlm rumah sendiri (kalau masih ada rumah...).
Mampukah kita nak berharap agar mak & ayah dan adik beradik kat kampung selamat.
Pasti kita sentiasa peluk je anak2 kita dan takkan lepas mereka walau sesaat.
Mesti kita takut menerima kemungkinan suami atau org yg kita syg takkan kembali, everytime dia tinggalkan kita.
Ya Allah, berat sgt membayangkan keadaan mereka...
Itu baru bayangkan.
Mereka yg berada di bumi Palestine...itulah reality hari2 mereka.
Apa salah mereka sebenarnya mereka pun tak tahu.
Especially kanak2 yg tak faham apa2.
Ya Allah, tolong...
Hentikanlah penderitaan saudara2 di sana.
Kau berikan lah keamanan semula kepada bumi Gaza.
Permudahkan lah segala urusan mereka Ya Allah.
Dan jangan lah susahkan yg sedia susah bg mereka Ya Allah.
Kerana hanya Engkau yg Maha Agung dan Maha Mengasihani.
Kau turunkan lah pembalasan yg setimpal kepada setiap Israelis dan pihak2 yg berkait dengan mereka, Ya Allah yg lebih mengetahui.
Kasihanilah saudara2 ku disana Ya Allah.
Lindungilah mereka dgn sebaik perlindungan Ya Rahman.
Semoga mereka boleh menikmati kebaikan rahmat Mu seperti apa yg aku nikmati.
Ya Allah, perkenankan doa ini...
Thank you Allah for the rezeki and blessings You hv given me.
There is nothing I want more but to be near to You.
Hari dating sedunia.
Dah brape kali Jumaat dah tak dating sebenarnya.
Kalau solat jumaat, dah lama berdosa...sbb lebih 3 kali.
Saja je tulis tajuk tu.
takde idea pon nak tulis apa.
Cuma rasa sedih sgt dgn apa yg berlaku di Gaza.
Masih teraniaya saudara2 kita kat sana.
Kita dikejutkan smula dr kelalaian kita (mengingati penderitaan mereka) hanya kerana Kapal Marvi kena serang dek Israel yg dilaknat Allah.
Alangkah beruntungnya kita dibumi Malaysia ni, Allah beri rahmat yg mcm2.
Cuba bayangkan jika kita berada dlm keadaan itu.
Sentiasa takut wpun dlm rumah sendiri (kalau masih ada rumah...).
Mampukah kita nak berharap agar mak & ayah dan adik beradik kat kampung selamat.
Pasti kita sentiasa peluk je anak2 kita dan takkan lepas mereka walau sesaat.
Mesti kita takut menerima kemungkinan suami atau org yg kita syg takkan kembali, everytime dia tinggalkan kita.
Ya Allah, berat sgt membayangkan keadaan mereka...
Itu baru bayangkan.
Mereka yg berada di bumi Palestine...itulah reality hari2 mereka.
Apa salah mereka sebenarnya mereka pun tak tahu.
Especially kanak2 yg tak faham apa2.
Ya Allah, tolong...
Hentikanlah penderitaan saudara2 di sana.
Kau berikan lah keamanan semula kepada bumi Gaza.
Permudahkan lah segala urusan mereka Ya Allah.
Dan jangan lah susahkan yg sedia susah bg mereka Ya Allah.
Kerana hanya Engkau yg Maha Agung dan Maha Mengasihani.
Kau turunkan lah pembalasan yg setimpal kepada setiap Israelis dan pihak2 yg berkait dengan mereka, Ya Allah yg lebih mengetahui.
Kasihanilah saudara2 ku disana Ya Allah.
Lindungilah mereka dgn sebaik perlindungan Ya Rahman.
Semoga mereka boleh menikmati kebaikan rahmat Mu seperti apa yg aku nikmati.
Ya Allah, perkenankan doa ini...
Thank you Allah for the rezeki and blessings You hv given me.
There is nothing I want more but to be near to You.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Apa case?
Apa case tu butterflies?
Owhhh tu perasaan gemuruh masa nak kena interview.
Interview nak naik pangkat…chewahhhh.
Dulu takde pun interview2 ni semua.
Tak pelah, company ni kena buat perubahan utk kebaikan.
Tak mahu komen pasal interview tu.
Saya percaya kalau dapat itu rezeki yg Allah beri pada saya.
Kalau tak dapat, saya perlu kerja lebih baik, perbaiki segala kelemahan, insyaAllah, kalau Allah izinkan, saya akan dapat juga promotion itu.
Saya sangat bersyukur kerana dikelilingi dgn kasih sayang ahli keluarga dan rakan2. Yg tak henti2 beri peransang dan mendoakan; suami tercinta, mama, abah, mak, ayah, adik beradik, ipar, biras, anak2 buah, rakan2 serta bibik :).
Semoga Allah beri segala kebaikan utk mereka semua amin.
Owhhh tu perasaan gemuruh masa nak kena interview.
Interview nak naik pangkat…chewahhhh.
Dulu takde pun interview2 ni semua.
Tak pelah, company ni kena buat perubahan utk kebaikan.
Tak mahu komen pasal interview tu.
Saya percaya kalau dapat itu rezeki yg Allah beri pada saya.
Kalau tak dapat, saya perlu kerja lebih baik, perbaiki segala kelemahan, insyaAllah, kalau Allah izinkan, saya akan dapat juga promotion itu.
Saya sangat bersyukur kerana dikelilingi dgn kasih sayang ahli keluarga dan rakan2. Yg tak henti2 beri peransang dan mendoakan; suami tercinta, mama, abah, mak, ayah, adik beradik, ipar, biras, anak2 buah, rakan2 serta bibik :).
Semoga Allah beri segala kebaikan utk mereka semua amin.
Monday, May 10, 2010
After I read one email tat reached my inbox yesterday's evening...
Many of them...(the butterflies)
In my stomach.
They will keep flying till tomorrow's evening.
Why do I have to go through this???
Why do this time they change the whole process, with that I am the unlucky one before I can be called lucky????
Ooo mannnn....
Dear Allah, pls give me strenght to go through this.
Pls give me all the peace I need. So that my long waited wish will come true. Amin.
After I read one email tat reached my inbox yesterday's evening...
Many of them...(the butterflies)
In my stomach.
They will keep flying till tomorrow's evening.
Why do I have to go through this???
Why do this time they change the whole process, with that I am the unlucky one before I can be called lucky????
Ooo mannnn....
Dear Allah, pls give me strenght to go through this.
Pls give me all the peace I need. So that my long waited wish will come true. Amin.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Random things that have acrossed my mind…for the past 2 weeks…
1- Time flies so fast…my Humairah dah 10 going to 11 mth. She has more teeth, more skills, more perangai. Next month she’ll be 1. So excited to plan for her party. Small pon kira party kan?
2- For the 1st time in my life, I haven’t spent my duit bonus for myself yet(selepas 2 bulan menerima bonus). Terer kan? *tepuk tangan kuat2*. Because DH and I have some plan, I somehow think that plan is much2 more important than spending it now.
3- Hmmmm thinking of an alternative stream of income. Perhaps an online biz. Not trading materials but service(s). Before that, I have to brush up some skills. Courses to attend seriously!
4- Happy to have Kimora’s coming back. I was addicted to her (her reality series) while pregnant. I don’t look up at her ke apa… I just love to watch her dress up, put on make ups and seronok tgk dia kalut handle biz and her life. Now that she’s back, I am watching her with my Humairah pulak…last time sikecik tu kat dlm perut J. Besides, I have something to watch at night besides The Kardashians. Well Giulianna & Bill pon not bad.
5- Kimora also a bf mother. She pumps while having a photo shoot. I mean dia take a break and pump…
6- It’s not easy to get a good tenant. Kalau dah masa nak view the house pon datang 2 jam lambat, bayangkan kalau time diorg nak bayar sewa nanti…mahu 2 bulan tak bayar sewa. So we have to be selective… biar lambat asal tak pening kepala for long term.
7- My sis (who live in my house temporarily) is not in good cond with my maid… it is quite a hard time jugak nak handle that crisis.
8- Dah about 2 weeks tak cukup tidur coz Humairah asyik bagun 2, 3 kali at night mengigau, menangis2 and pusing satu katil.
9- I tried tudung syiria and kind of love it.

10- I should hug my DH more.
2- For the 1st time in my life, I haven’t spent my duit bonus for myself yet(selepas 2 bulan menerima bonus). Terer kan? *tepuk tangan kuat2*. Because DH and I have some plan, I somehow think that plan is much2 more important than spending it now.
3- Hmmmm thinking of an alternative stream of income. Perhaps an online biz. Not trading materials but service(s). Before that, I have to brush up some skills. Courses to attend seriously!
4- Happy to have Kimora’s coming back. I was addicted to her (her reality series) while pregnant. I don’t look up at her ke apa… I just love to watch her dress up, put on make ups and seronok tgk dia kalut handle biz and her life. Now that she’s back, I am watching her with my Humairah pulak…last time sikecik tu kat dlm perut J. Besides, I have something to watch at night besides The Kardashians. Well Giulianna & Bill pon not bad.
5- Kimora also a bf mother. She pumps while having a photo shoot. I mean dia take a break and pump…
6- It’s not easy to get a good tenant. Kalau dah masa nak view the house pon datang 2 jam lambat, bayangkan kalau time diorg nak bayar sewa nanti…mahu 2 bulan tak bayar sewa. So we have to be selective… biar lambat asal tak pening kepala for long term.
7- My sis (who live in my house temporarily) is not in good cond with my maid… it is quite a hard time jugak nak handle that crisis.
8- Dah about 2 weeks tak cukup tidur coz Humairah asyik bagun 2, 3 kali at night mengigau, menangis2 and pusing satu katil.
9- I tried tudung syiria and kind of love it.

10- I should hug my DH more.
It Was A Great Weekend...
I learnt many things over the weekend… pelajaran yg sgt berharga, priceless.
1- DH’s family, bukan org senang. FIL was a postman (later bila dah nak pencen baru dia promoted to Postmaster), MIL was/ and still a housewife. Anak2 semua ada 6 org. Jarak umur rapat2 except for the last one, gap umur Acu and the last brother sangat jauh. Not sure tp maybe 10 tahun. Semasa anak2 sedang membesar, FIL and MIL hidup sgt berjimat. Sewa rumah yg kecil, makan wpun sedikit MIL akan bahagi2kan sama rata. Tp mereka besarkan anak2 dgn penuh kasih sayang dan adab sopan, dengan segala nilai kemanusiaan. Alhamdulillah, semua anak hidup senang sekarang. Cucu2 semua sayangkan nenek dan atuk. Hubungan kekeluargaan sgt rapat. Anak2 dan juga menantu2 mesti rindu kalau dah lama sikit tak jenguk FIL and MIL. Itu lah penting nya kasih sayang dlm kehidupan. Harta kekayaan, penting. Ia penting utk kita survive di dunia. Tp for me kasih sayang lebih penting. For me, harta kekayaan ada cukup2 utk survive pun takpe. Tapi, kasih sayang I want more and give more…selagi yg termampu. Perlu usaha utk ber kasih sayang…bila kita beri kasih sayang, definitely kita akan dapat semua automatically. Mcm FIL & MIL…
2- My family pulak takde lah kaya raya. But compared to DH’s family, me (semasa membesar) lebih senang. Abah & mama both were working. Abah mmg org susah tapi he was lucky in term of career. Allah Maha Adil, kan? Sebagai abg sulung Allah bg dia rezeki utk bantu adik2 dan kluarga. Keluarga mama tak sesusah Abah. Arwah nenek byk tanah peninggalan. So senang mama nak further study. Zaman dulu in 70s, ada kereta baru (mini clubman), plus motorbike besar (Honda) and a domestic helper even masa tu anak sorang, dah kira senang sgt lah kan? Even masa anak kedua lahir (tats me), mama ada 2 maids to handle kitorg. Tp kejap je lah…kitorg 4 bradik sgt lavish. Sbb abah sgt sayangkan anak2, apa nak mesti dapat. Sgt berbeza dgn life DH. Dan dari segi kasih sayang… juga my life sgt berbeza dgn DH. My dad was a weekend father/husband semasa kami membesar. Antara mama & abah, abah lebih rapat dn anak2 sbb abah penyayang saaangat. Tp abah takde slalu dgn kami. Mama sgt garang. I understand why she was like that. If only she was treated just a lil better by abah, she definitely will express more love to us. I don’t think want to further explain, sbb aku dah lupakan segala yg tak bagus semasa membesar. Conclusion, dari segi kasih sayang, aku kalah dgn DH. Bila dah ada comparison ni (through last weekend’s event), I started to understand apa yg Allah nak bgtahu… Allah Maha Adil, dia bagi lebih kat satu benda, and bagi sikit kat benda lain. Semuanya utk uji kita. Untuk kita belajar.
3- I want to love my children as much I can. Selagi Allah masih pinjamkan nyawa dan jasad ini, selagi itu ibu/aunty akan beri kasih sayang, perhatian, nasihat, dan segala yg anak2 perlukan utk membesar dgn positive. I want to love my children like abah does to us. I want to be discipline dan ikhlas dan adil dan sabar membesarkan anak2 seperti my FIL and MIL do to their children. I want to be strong like mama. I want to be redha and sabar dengan dugaan Allah mcm mama. I want my children to grow up to be the happiest people. Anak2 yg diredhai Allah. Jadi anak2 yang cemerlang dunia akhirat. Yg penuh dgn kasih sayang. Yg berbuat baik pd semua makhluk Allah, so that semua makhluk Allah akan berbuat baik pada mereka. Yg sentiasa ingin dekat kepada keluarga. Pada Babah, Ibu dan Aunty mereka. Yang sentiasa mendokan Babah, Ibu & aunty mereka. Amin semoga Allah makbulkan permintaan ini. Jika segala doa ini Allah makbulkan, barulah senang hati ini bila suatu hari nanti jasad dan nyawa ini Allah ambil semula.
4- I want to work hard and provide the necessaries. So that my children tak susah bila I dah takde nanti. Maybe tak lah mampu nak provide bungalow sorang sebijik but at least I don’t leave them with my credit cards debts J.
5- Selagi masa masih ada, I want to give everything to my abah, mama, MIL and FIL. Selagi yg mampu. And I know, they don’t ask for more…they just want us to spend time with them. Tak kisah mcm mana penat, weekends are for them!!!!
Ya Allah tolong makbul segala keinginan dlm entry ini. Amin.
1- DH’s family, bukan org senang. FIL was a postman (later bila dah nak pencen baru dia promoted to Postmaster), MIL was/ and still a housewife. Anak2 semua ada 6 org. Jarak umur rapat2 except for the last one, gap umur Acu and the last brother sangat jauh. Not sure tp maybe 10 tahun. Semasa anak2 sedang membesar, FIL and MIL hidup sgt berjimat. Sewa rumah yg kecil, makan wpun sedikit MIL akan bahagi2kan sama rata. Tp mereka besarkan anak2 dgn penuh kasih sayang dan adab sopan, dengan segala nilai kemanusiaan. Alhamdulillah, semua anak hidup senang sekarang. Cucu2 semua sayangkan nenek dan atuk. Hubungan kekeluargaan sgt rapat. Anak2 dan juga menantu2 mesti rindu kalau dah lama sikit tak jenguk FIL and MIL. Itu lah penting nya kasih sayang dlm kehidupan. Harta kekayaan, penting. Ia penting utk kita survive di dunia. Tp for me kasih sayang lebih penting. For me, harta kekayaan ada cukup2 utk survive pun takpe. Tapi, kasih sayang I want more and give more…selagi yg termampu. Perlu usaha utk ber kasih sayang…bila kita beri kasih sayang, definitely kita akan dapat semua automatically. Mcm FIL & MIL…
2- My family pulak takde lah kaya raya. But compared to DH’s family, me (semasa membesar) lebih senang. Abah & mama both were working. Abah mmg org susah tapi he was lucky in term of career. Allah Maha Adil, kan? Sebagai abg sulung Allah bg dia rezeki utk bantu adik2 dan kluarga. Keluarga mama tak sesusah Abah. Arwah nenek byk tanah peninggalan. So senang mama nak further study. Zaman dulu in 70s, ada kereta baru (mini clubman), plus motorbike besar (Honda) and a domestic helper even masa tu anak sorang, dah kira senang sgt lah kan? Even masa anak kedua lahir (tats me), mama ada 2 maids to handle kitorg. Tp kejap je lah…kitorg 4 bradik sgt lavish. Sbb abah sgt sayangkan anak2, apa nak mesti dapat. Sgt berbeza dgn life DH. Dan dari segi kasih sayang… juga my life sgt berbeza dgn DH. My dad was a weekend father/husband semasa kami membesar. Antara mama & abah, abah lebih rapat dn anak2 sbb abah penyayang saaangat. Tp abah takde slalu dgn kami. Mama sgt garang. I understand why she was like that. If only she was treated just a lil better by abah, she definitely will express more love to us. I don’t think want to further explain, sbb aku dah lupakan segala yg tak bagus semasa membesar. Conclusion, dari segi kasih sayang, aku kalah dgn DH. Bila dah ada comparison ni (through last weekend’s event), I started to understand apa yg Allah nak bgtahu… Allah Maha Adil, dia bagi lebih kat satu benda, and bagi sikit kat benda lain. Semuanya utk uji kita. Untuk kita belajar.
3- I want to love my children as much I can. Selagi Allah masih pinjamkan nyawa dan jasad ini, selagi itu ibu/aunty akan beri kasih sayang, perhatian, nasihat, dan segala yg anak2 perlukan utk membesar dgn positive. I want to love my children like abah does to us. I want to be discipline dan ikhlas dan adil dan sabar membesarkan anak2 seperti my FIL and MIL do to their children. I want to be strong like mama. I want to be redha and sabar dengan dugaan Allah mcm mama. I want my children to grow up to be the happiest people. Anak2 yg diredhai Allah. Jadi anak2 yang cemerlang dunia akhirat. Yg penuh dgn kasih sayang. Yg berbuat baik pd semua makhluk Allah, so that semua makhluk Allah akan berbuat baik pada mereka. Yg sentiasa ingin dekat kepada keluarga. Pada Babah, Ibu dan Aunty mereka. Yang sentiasa mendokan Babah, Ibu & aunty mereka. Amin semoga Allah makbulkan permintaan ini. Jika segala doa ini Allah makbulkan, barulah senang hati ini bila suatu hari nanti jasad dan nyawa ini Allah ambil semula.
4- I want to work hard and provide the necessaries. So that my children tak susah bila I dah takde nanti. Maybe tak lah mampu nak provide bungalow sorang sebijik but at least I don’t leave them with my credit cards debts J.
5- Selagi masa masih ada, I want to give everything to my abah, mama, MIL and FIL. Selagi yg mampu. And I know, they don’t ask for more…they just want us to spend time with them. Tak kisah mcm mana penat, weekends are for them!!!!
Ya Allah tolong makbul segala keinginan dlm entry ini. Amin.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Things in my Handbag (tat i use for ofc)
Since handbags ada few... yg gi ofc lain, yg jln2 dgn anak lain -as yg ni yg can muat 2 diapers, botol susu etc, yg pegi dating lain...so hari ni our featured handbag is the one I use for ofc...chewaahhh...

Ini adalah bag cap ayam yg I bought fr Jakarta. Whats inside? Lets have a look....hehehe...

8- Tissue...sgt penting bila kakak cafe atau kedai kedekut tissue. Atau tiba2 baca forwarded email yg sedih kat blackberry, pastu ter-emo sampai nangis2...
10- Wallet/Purse...of cozzzzzz...
itulah brg2 dlm my handbag. sikit je...wpun sikit kdg2 lupa/tertinggal jugak....hehehe...
Friday, April 16, 2010
I want tat frame in my parents' room

It (the frame) has been there on the wall of my parents bedroom eversince the long term memory of my brain started working. I always attracted to it...even when I still cant recognize alphabs.When I grow older, and started to understand that the frame means a lot to my mother. It translates her hopes and needs. That is why it is so special to me... very special. It carries so much stories of our life. The ups and downs. The laughters and tears as well as fears...
"The Art Of Marriage"by Wilferd A. Peterson (longer version)
Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens.
A good marriage must be created.
In the art of marriage the little things are the big things...
It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day.
It is never going to sleep angry.I
t is at no time taking the other for granted;the courtship should not end with the honeymoon,it should continue through all the years.
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.
It is standing together facing the world.
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.
It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy.
It is speaking words of appreciationand demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is not looking for perfection in each other.
It is cultivating flexibility, patience,understanding and a sense of humour.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.
It is finding room for the things of the spirit.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is establishing a relationship in which the independence is equal,dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.
It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.
It is discovering what marriage can be, at its best.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Best layan blog org lain... apa yg confirm, mostly every blog (if the blogger adalah perempuan...), must have an entry on "what inside my handbag"... and also "I want...".. this kind of entry, blogger akan list semua wishlist diorg. Nak brg itu, nak brg ini....
Bagus juga, at least I have some ideas with what to update my blog in future. For me, initially, my blog is a place for me to record things yg I feel special... the tots that sometimes I cant simply share with others. Or things yg important yg I am afraid akan lupa... hmmm al maklum lah usia makin meningkat, responsibility makin bertambah... definitely space makin sikit for me to remember each and every thing happens in life (itu adalah alasan yg sgt berkesan utk memberitahu bahawa diri ini sudah dimamah usia hua hua hua).
But there are times, bila nak record perkara2 tersebut yg biasanye sangat serious, mood utk jadi serious and ideas plak hilang ntah kemana. Sometimes berbulan2 hilang baru nak balik rumah. So I guess, bila2 aku rasa boring, malas nak buat report on Spend Smart Initiatives, bole saja aku nak blab tentang apa2 sahaja e.g What inside my handbag... pon boleh kan?
Soon lah kot.... so below are my future entries... planning mesti baik... Bila dah plan baru boleh commit....hehehe...best...best...:-
1- Apa dlm handbag saya?-
2- Apa dlm makeup bag saya?
3- My wishlist (tangible stuffs only)- kalau tak define mcm ni, its gonna be a one looonggg list. Nak amik lesen scuba diving pon bole masuk dlm list ni...!
4-Apa ada dlm wardrobe Humairah (yessss this gonna be one big project hehehe!)
wokehhhh... selamat berusaha!
Bagus juga, at least I have some ideas with what to update my blog in future. For me, initially, my blog is a place for me to record things yg I feel special... the tots that sometimes I cant simply share with others. Or things yg important yg I am afraid akan lupa... hmmm al maklum lah usia makin meningkat, responsibility makin bertambah... definitely space makin sikit for me to remember each and every thing happens in life (itu adalah alasan yg sgt berkesan utk memberitahu bahawa diri ini sudah dimamah usia hua hua hua).
But there are times, bila nak record perkara2 tersebut yg biasanye sangat serious, mood utk jadi serious and ideas plak hilang ntah kemana. Sometimes berbulan2 hilang baru nak balik rumah. So I guess, bila2 aku rasa boring, malas nak buat report on Spend Smart Initiatives, bole saja aku nak blab tentang apa2 sahaja e.g What inside my handbag... pon boleh kan?
Soon lah kot.... so below are my future entries... planning mesti baik... Bila dah plan baru boleh commit....hehehe...best...best...:-
1- Apa dlm handbag saya?-
2- Apa dlm makeup bag saya?
3- My wishlist (tangible stuffs only)- kalau tak define mcm ni, its gonna be a one looonggg list. Nak amik lesen scuba diving pon bole masuk dlm list ni...!
4-Apa ada dlm wardrobe Humairah (yessss this gonna be one big project hehehe!)
wokehhhh... selamat berusaha!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Mahu kurus!
My weight before pregnant = 57kg.
Weight right before gave birth to dear Humairah was 73kg.
Gained 16kgs, and that was overweight. 12kgs is the best weight gain during pregnancy...ni buku yg ckp, not me. For me, every kilo I gained during pregnancy or not, is always a nightmare.
2 months after gave birth to dear Humairah, I was 56kg. I was really kurus, but double chin maintain...
Knape kurus masa tu? Macam mana boleh kurus...
1- Ramadhan...puasa.
2- Maid berhenti, was so stressed nak cari replacement, and dpt plak daily maid yg problematic...
3- Exclusive Breastfeed
4- Kurang rest
Cepat je turun berat badan masa nih!
But kejap je lah.... masuk Syawal...wpun still exclusively breastfeed...I gained few kilos. Then bila dah semakin malas nak produce susu sebanyak dulu...coz Humairah dah start minum formula...in her 4th month, then makan pun tak jaga coz always ada reason utk makan byk...sbb breastfeeding...berat saya telah naik ke 60kg. huhuhuhuhuhuhu! Sampai skrg berat tu maintain at 60kg...uwaaaa!!!!
Kenapa berat tak mo turun??? Sila refer below:-
1- Pagi tadi breakfast ommelet+roti+butter+sosej. Lunch plak nasi beriyani+chic wing+sayur+siap dgn papadom.
2- Kata tanak dinner, or busuk2 pun mkn oats... tp mlm tadi bersantap bukan main lagi...alasan sbb nak teman DH mkn...
3-expressed less than 12oz susu perday....
4- selera makan mcm raja...
So mulai hari ni, kerana sgt menyesal lunch tadi dah sebat nasi beriyani sepinggan besar-abis licin plak tuh, sambil borak2 isu pegi gym, exercise dan mcm2 lagi.... dgn penuh azam, for a start, saya berjanji untuk makan nasi sekali sehari sahaja (masa lunch) dan sebelah mlm saya akan mkn quaker oat. Dan saya akan pegi swimming hari sabtu atau ahad ni. saya akan monitor berat badan saya. dalam masa sebulan sy sepatutnya dpt turun at least 1 kg...kalau tak turun2 gak saya akan pegi gym utk berlari atas threadmill plak...kalau tak bole gak turun lepas tu, nampak nye saya kena join The Biggest Loser Asia season 2 nanti :P
Weight right before gave birth to dear Humairah was 73kg.
Gained 16kgs, and that was overweight. 12kgs is the best weight gain during pregnancy...ni buku yg ckp, not me. For me, every kilo I gained during pregnancy or not, is always a nightmare.
2 months after gave birth to dear Humairah, I was 56kg. I was really kurus, but double chin maintain...
Knape kurus masa tu? Macam mana boleh kurus...
1- Ramadhan...puasa.
2- Maid berhenti, was so stressed nak cari replacement, and dpt plak daily maid yg problematic...
3- Exclusive Breastfeed
4- Kurang rest
Cepat je turun berat badan masa nih!
But kejap je lah.... masuk Syawal...wpun still exclusively breastfeed...I gained few kilos. Then bila dah semakin malas nak produce susu sebanyak dulu...coz Humairah dah start minum formula...in her 4th month, then makan pun tak jaga coz always ada reason utk makan byk...sbb breastfeeding...berat saya telah naik ke 60kg. huhuhuhuhuhuhu! Sampai skrg berat tu maintain at 60kg...uwaaaa!!!!
Kenapa berat tak mo turun??? Sila refer below:-
1- Pagi tadi breakfast ommelet+roti+butter+sosej. Lunch plak nasi beriyani+chic wing+sayur+siap dgn papadom.
2- Kata tanak dinner, or busuk2 pun mkn oats... tp mlm tadi bersantap bukan main lagi...alasan sbb nak teman DH mkn...
3-expressed less than 12oz susu perday....
4- selera makan mcm raja...
So mulai hari ni, kerana sgt menyesal lunch tadi dah sebat nasi beriyani sepinggan besar-abis licin plak tuh, sambil borak2 isu pegi gym, exercise dan mcm2 lagi.... dgn penuh azam, for a start, saya berjanji untuk makan nasi sekali sehari sahaja (masa lunch) dan sebelah mlm saya akan mkn quaker oat. Dan saya akan pegi swimming hari sabtu atau ahad ni. saya akan monitor berat badan saya. dalam masa sebulan sy sepatutnya dpt turun at least 1 kg...kalau tak turun2 gak saya akan pegi gym utk berlari atas threadmill plak...kalau tak bole gak turun lepas tu, nampak nye saya kena join The Biggest Loser Asia season 2 nanti :P
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
dah pukul 2pagi.
dah lama tak stay up this late.
lg2 nak surfing.
teringat zaman2 tak tido mlm... melepak wth KJ Club members smpai pagi...was fun! miss those moments.
Kat Tawakal, Humairah admitted due to high fever.
DH balik rumah mlm ni after 3 nites berkampung kat sini with me n our baby.
Mlm ni DH bole balik sbb bibik kitorg smpai ptg td, so she can teman us tonite.
Salah satu sbb aku takleh tido ialah aku takut tido sebilik dgn stranger (bibik la).
Wpun aku rasa dia ok (the 1st impression), tp still aku takmo amik risk.
Mana tau dia psycho ke, kang tgh2 mlm dia bangun cekik aku ke...tu smua lah yg buat aku tk lelap tido and start surfing ni.
Humairah demam sbb ada ulcer kat tekak dia. on Friday masa jumpa Dr Zarin, he said tat and gave us PCM to gv her 4 hourly and ubat masuk kat rectal 6 hourly...monitor bod temp for 24hrs, kalu tak turun2 bwh 38 dtg balik jumpa dia. Dr Zarin ni one doc yg as much as he can tak nak prescribe byk2 ubat to baby lagi2 antibiotic.
So after 24 hrs Humairah makin reruk, tanak mkn, lembik semacam, mata berair and rashes start kluar...ibu mana yg tak sedih tgk anak mcm tu. terus pegi emergency.
Rupa2nya dlm mulut nye dah merah2...kesian sgt... doc on drip and start antibiotic. Tp Humairah purging plak- effect of the antibiotic. Doc said it's the environment... this penyakit sama mcm HFMD, dimana HUmairah collected germs ni dr group of ppl melalui air liur...maybe yg melekat2 kat toys kat nursery dia tu. So doc suggested asingkan Humairah fr the nursery for at least 6 weeks. Memula pening juga, but Alhmdulillah God is great, bibik came to the resque hari ni. Harap2 yg ni ok lah...amin.
Bila Humairah sakit mcm ni, rasa sedih sgt hati. Kdg2 rasa I always wanted the best for her and try my best to provide them. When u r a mother, of coz inilah yg kita nak. Priority dah bertukar. If dulu I spent most of my money on baju, shoes, hair and make ups...now not anymore... semuanya utk a better future for my anak (s) ...hehehe. better environment to help her (and future adik) grow up healthy. Since the old bibik berhenti, and we decided to hantar her to nursery, we chose to hantar her at a place yg betul2 menyenangkan hati, tak kisah if we hv to pay double than standard price. But a nursery is stil a nursery... germs everywhere. I had a tot to send Humairah to a diff nursery, tp atas advise friends, they said mana2 pun sama... flu tu dah jadi mcm package which come together dgn nursery....
Feeding plak, aku berusaha keras memberi breastmilk(bm) sebanyak mungkin, dulu dh ada manual pump, tp always tgn cramp and time consuming, I (and DH) invested in an electric dual pump. Mmg puas hati when I can now bring home 13 to 15 oz (of 2 sessions) and at nite another 5 oz for Humairah's next day bekal.
Kdg2 bila ada suara2 yg menyalahkan aku bila Humairah sakit, it actually hurt me deeply. Ibu mana yg nsanggup nak bg anak sakit? tell me... Put blame on me just because aku tak berpantang, makan sesuka hati tu yg buat Humairah asyik sakit. Sedih sgt, but I can just smile and mcm biasa sabar and anggap, apa yg diorg ckp tu tand diorg sygkan Humairah. For me tehre's no need for me to defend myself. Coz no point... Tat doesnt bring any good to Humairah either...kalau aku defend diri aku Humairah bukan nya boleh baik dr demam diapun.
Pantang for me is very subjective... setiap individu ada pantang masing2 yg kadang really contra with one's pantang. Aku dah buat research dah pasal menda ni masa pregnant dulu. Ada org masa confinement tak boleh mkn daging n ayam, ramai org plak, boleh mkn daging and di galakkan. And mcm2 lagi sbnrnye...so kesimpulan yg aku buat, best is know what best for ur body. Kalau dh badan tu gatal kalu mkn daging dont eat daging, eat lah ayam n ikan.
Samalah mcm makanan or minuman yg kita amik bila kita menyusu badan. Mcm minum ais... kalau tak bf pun tak bagus minum ais, and I dont drink cold everyday except for majlis2 tertentu. Tp masa majlis2 yg aku minum ais tu lah dijadikan basis aku tak jaga mkn which tat was the reason Humairah asyik sakit2.
Perlu ke aku nak cerita, kat rumah aku, wpun fridge lg tinggi dr yours truly, I dont keep water in it? Everytime nak minum aku masak air n campur dgn air kosong so tat air tu jd suam, baru best tekak aku ni.
Perlu ke aku nak cerita, at ofc we hv a group of BF mother yg berlumba2 n bersusah payah mencuri masa nak express bm, and we share tips how to produce more milk. Everyday at ofc aku minum at least 4 - 5 tumble of warm water. 2 times of quacker oat + milo. and a mug of instant longan and red dates tea. Tak ke bunyi nye sgt healthy?
Utk apa semua tu? Bukan ke utk makesure Humairah dpt yg terbaik? Supaya Humairah build a strong antibodi semulajadi so tat bole lawan segala penyakit yg dia dpt kat nursery tu.
Perlu ke aku nak cerita yg as much as I could, sejak I intro sold to Humairah I cook her food myself. Gunakan bahan2 semulajadi tanpa bahan pengawet :). Balik keja, solat maghrib, tak mandi ... dgn baju keja aku masak utk anak tercinta...bg dia mkn dulu, then baru aku buat menda lain...
Kalau tak fikir nak bg Humairah sihat, I can always buy segala mcm makanan dlm tin n feed her, tak lah penat sgt...but those canned food semua ada pengawet to make them last longer. I even make home made apple, banana and mango puree for my baby.
Of course sedih sgt bila heard ppl said, I am the one who tak jaga mkn and tats why Humairah selalu sakit. Sedih sgt2. Yes, I am a first time mother, and I dont hv much experience and knowledge about babycare...but I do read Miriam Stopard's and I do check on BabyCenter everyday...EVERYDAY to learn and learn and never stop learning. I keep asking question when I see Dr Zarin. I remember the 1st question I asked when I met him d 1st time is what are the things I cant take as a bf mother. And I dont ask for fun...u know wat i mean...
Ada juga org marah aku bawa Humairah kluar mlm2, or balik mlm2... berembun... do I hv a choice? Tell me... If I were like others...ada bibik or ada org nak jaga Humairah kat rumah... kan bagus. Aku pun tanak bawa anak ke sana ke sini...esp ke kenduri kawin, sbb she is so small to appreciate those memorable moments...dia sepatutnya mendapat rehat yg cukup kat umah.. to develop her brain.
Apa2pun, by letting go the feelings by writing them here is more than satisfying. Byk hati yg nak dijaga... although sometimes ppl dont seem to care about my feelings.
Its ok... do the right things right...i'll be happy.
dah lama tak stay up this late.
lg2 nak surfing.
teringat zaman2 tak tido mlm... melepak wth KJ Club members smpai pagi...was fun! miss those moments.
Kat Tawakal, Humairah admitted due to high fever.
DH balik rumah mlm ni after 3 nites berkampung kat sini with me n our baby.
Mlm ni DH bole balik sbb bibik kitorg smpai ptg td, so she can teman us tonite.
Salah satu sbb aku takleh tido ialah aku takut tido sebilik dgn stranger (bibik la).
Wpun aku rasa dia ok (the 1st impression), tp still aku takmo amik risk.
Mana tau dia psycho ke, kang tgh2 mlm dia bangun cekik aku ke...tu smua lah yg buat aku tk lelap tido and start surfing ni.
Humairah demam sbb ada ulcer kat tekak dia. on Friday masa jumpa Dr Zarin, he said tat and gave us PCM to gv her 4 hourly and ubat masuk kat rectal 6 hourly...monitor bod temp for 24hrs, kalu tak turun2 bwh 38 dtg balik jumpa dia. Dr Zarin ni one doc yg as much as he can tak nak prescribe byk2 ubat to baby lagi2 antibiotic.
So after 24 hrs Humairah makin reruk, tanak mkn, lembik semacam, mata berair and rashes start kluar...ibu mana yg tak sedih tgk anak mcm tu. terus pegi emergency.
Rupa2nya dlm mulut nye dah merah2...kesian sgt... doc on drip and start antibiotic. Tp Humairah purging plak- effect of the antibiotic. Doc said it's the environment... this penyakit sama mcm HFMD, dimana HUmairah collected germs ni dr group of ppl melalui air liur...maybe yg melekat2 kat toys kat nursery dia tu. So doc suggested asingkan Humairah fr the nursery for at least 6 weeks. Memula pening juga, but Alhmdulillah God is great, bibik came to the resque hari ni. Harap2 yg ni ok lah...amin.
Bila Humairah sakit mcm ni, rasa sedih sgt hati. Kdg2 rasa I always wanted the best for her and try my best to provide them. When u r a mother, of coz inilah yg kita nak. Priority dah bertukar. If dulu I spent most of my money on baju, shoes, hair and make ups...now not anymore... semuanya utk a better future for my anak (s) ...hehehe. better environment to help her (and future adik) grow up healthy. Since the old bibik berhenti, and we decided to hantar her to nursery, we chose to hantar her at a place yg betul2 menyenangkan hati, tak kisah if we hv to pay double than standard price. But a nursery is stil a nursery... germs everywhere. I had a tot to send Humairah to a diff nursery, tp atas advise friends, they said mana2 pun sama... flu tu dah jadi mcm package which come together dgn nursery....
Feeding plak, aku berusaha keras memberi breastmilk(bm) sebanyak mungkin, dulu dh ada manual pump, tp always tgn cramp and time consuming, I (and DH) invested in an electric dual pump. Mmg puas hati when I can now bring home 13 to 15 oz (of 2 sessions) and at nite another 5 oz for Humairah's next day bekal.
Kdg2 bila ada suara2 yg menyalahkan aku bila Humairah sakit, it actually hurt me deeply. Ibu mana yg nsanggup nak bg anak sakit? tell me... Put blame on me just because aku tak berpantang, makan sesuka hati tu yg buat Humairah asyik sakit. Sedih sgt, but I can just smile and mcm biasa sabar and anggap, apa yg diorg ckp tu tand diorg sygkan Humairah. For me tehre's no need for me to defend myself. Coz no point... Tat doesnt bring any good to Humairah either...kalau aku defend diri aku Humairah bukan nya boleh baik dr demam diapun.
Pantang for me is very subjective... setiap individu ada pantang masing2 yg kadang really contra with one's pantang. Aku dah buat research dah pasal menda ni masa pregnant dulu. Ada org masa confinement tak boleh mkn daging n ayam, ramai org plak, boleh mkn daging and di galakkan. And mcm2 lagi sbnrnye...so kesimpulan yg aku buat, best is know what best for ur body. Kalau dh badan tu gatal kalu mkn daging dont eat daging, eat lah ayam n ikan.
Samalah mcm makanan or minuman yg kita amik bila kita menyusu badan. Mcm minum ais... kalau tak bf pun tak bagus minum ais, and I dont drink cold everyday except for majlis2 tertentu. Tp masa majlis2 yg aku minum ais tu lah dijadikan basis aku tak jaga mkn which tat was the reason Humairah asyik sakit2.
Perlu ke aku nak cerita, kat rumah aku, wpun fridge lg tinggi dr yours truly, I dont keep water in it? Everytime nak minum aku masak air n campur dgn air kosong so tat air tu jd suam, baru best tekak aku ni.
Perlu ke aku nak cerita, at ofc we hv a group of BF mother yg berlumba2 n bersusah payah mencuri masa nak express bm, and we share tips how to produce more milk. Everyday at ofc aku minum at least 4 - 5 tumble of warm water. 2 times of quacker oat + milo. and a mug of instant longan and red dates tea. Tak ke bunyi nye sgt healthy?
Utk apa semua tu? Bukan ke utk makesure Humairah dpt yg terbaik? Supaya Humairah build a strong antibodi semulajadi so tat bole lawan segala penyakit yg dia dpt kat nursery tu.
Perlu ke aku nak cerita yg as much as I could, sejak I intro sold to Humairah I cook her food myself. Gunakan bahan2 semulajadi tanpa bahan pengawet :). Balik keja, solat maghrib, tak mandi ... dgn baju keja aku masak utk anak tercinta...bg dia mkn dulu, then baru aku buat menda lain...
Kalau tak fikir nak bg Humairah sihat, I can always buy segala mcm makanan dlm tin n feed her, tak lah penat sgt...but those canned food semua ada pengawet to make them last longer. I even make home made apple, banana and mango puree for my baby.
Of course sedih sgt bila heard ppl said, I am the one who tak jaga mkn and tats why Humairah selalu sakit. Sedih sgt2. Yes, I am a first time mother, and I dont hv much experience and knowledge about babycare...but I do read Miriam Stopard's and I do check on BabyCenter everyday...EVERYDAY to learn and learn and never stop learning. I keep asking question when I see Dr Zarin. I remember the 1st question I asked when I met him d 1st time is what are the things I cant take as a bf mother. And I dont ask for fun...u know wat i mean...
Ada juga org marah aku bawa Humairah kluar mlm2, or balik mlm2... berembun... do I hv a choice? Tell me... If I were like others...ada bibik or ada org nak jaga Humairah kat rumah... kan bagus. Aku pun tanak bawa anak ke sana ke sini...esp ke kenduri kawin, sbb she is so small to appreciate those memorable moments...dia sepatutnya mendapat rehat yg cukup kat umah.. to develop her brain.
Apa2pun, by letting go the feelings by writing them here is more than satisfying. Byk hati yg nak dijaga... although sometimes ppl dont seem to care about my feelings.
Its ok... do the right things right...i'll be happy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
apa yg u tak suka...
This morning, in the car, while DH was driving and complaining about the slow Honda, and I was holding Humairah in my arms, I made a statement to DH, with an intention to let him know this...
Me: Syg, u ni memang baik hati...lembut... dan segala2nya best lah, tp kan ada 2 things dlm dunia ni yg akan buat u bertukar menjadi monster... monster yg paling I menyampah sekali dlm dunia.
DH: Apa dia?
Me: One- while u r driving and the traffic is bad or ada apa2 yg membuatkan u lambat. No.2 bila you sinuse...bersin tak berhenti2. Betul tak?
DH: Hehehehe...
Me: I plak?
DH: Apa dia?...u plak apa?
Me: Ye lah, bila yg u rasa I akan bertukar menjadi monster? Perkara apa?
DH: Oooo u mean things yg akan buat u marah?
Me: Ha'ah.
DH: Hmmmm...ntah lah sayang, I rasa u sama je...all d time pon marah...hehehehe...
Me: :P Kurang Asam...
hmmm actually wpun DH bergurau, I kind of accept the fact tat I am getting more cranky towards him nowadays. Tak boleh salah sikit... padahal he's the closest person, the one who loves me the most, suami yg sgt rajin dan sgt understanding. Knapa ek kita slalu nak hurt org yg paling syg and rapat dgn kita? I have no intention to do that. In fact every second I pray for our love to become stronger day by day. He's in the toplist of my everything, my prayers, my life. Hmmm...I came into a conclusion that mmg its a norm kita prone to hurt org yg kita syg more compared to others sbb:-
1- kita nak attention. a.k.a nak mengada2 n manja2 lebih sket. dr nak merajuk or ngengada sikit sometimes terover, terus kita akan terkeluar kata2 or buat perkara2 yg akan hurt dia.
2- kita terlalu care pasal dia sampai segala yg dia buat kita nak he does it perfectly (as per our definition of perfect) and when he slipped (or buat tak ikut cara kita), kita akan cpt nak marah.
3- Kita lalai... kita lupa yg kita kena sentiasa jaga hati dia lebih dr segala2nya sbb dia org yg sgt kita syg.
From these 3 reasons, when i read back, baru i realized that actually, key point nye ialah...words yg kluar dr mulut kita....apa2 pun reason, kita merajuk ke, kita care ke, bila kita nak tegur dia atau merajuk dgn dia, kita kena tapis ayat2 kita...and tapis intonasi kita.
Kalau betul kita syg kan seseorang, mesti kita boleh ckp baik2 kan? Malaysia Boleh! Saya pun boleh!!!
:) :) :)
Me: Syg, u ni memang baik hati...lembut... dan segala2nya best lah, tp kan ada 2 things dlm dunia ni yg akan buat u bertukar menjadi monster... monster yg paling I menyampah sekali dlm dunia.
DH: Apa dia?
Me: One- while u r driving and the traffic is bad or ada apa2 yg membuatkan u lambat. No.2 bila you sinuse...bersin tak berhenti2. Betul tak?
DH: Hehehehe...
Me: I plak?
DH: Apa dia?...u plak apa?
Me: Ye lah, bila yg u rasa I akan bertukar menjadi monster? Perkara apa?
DH: Oooo u mean things yg akan buat u marah?
Me: Ha'ah.
DH: Hmmmm...ntah lah sayang, I rasa u sama je...all d time pon marah...hehehehe...
Me: :P Kurang Asam...
hmmm actually wpun DH bergurau, I kind of accept the fact tat I am getting more cranky towards him nowadays. Tak boleh salah sikit... padahal he's the closest person, the one who loves me the most, suami yg sgt rajin dan sgt understanding. Knapa ek kita slalu nak hurt org yg paling syg and rapat dgn kita? I have no intention to do that. In fact every second I pray for our love to become stronger day by day. He's in the toplist of my everything, my prayers, my life. Hmmm...I came into a conclusion that mmg its a norm kita prone to hurt org yg kita syg more compared to others sbb:-
1- kita nak attention. a.k.a nak mengada2 n manja2 lebih sket. dr nak merajuk or ngengada sikit sometimes terover, terus kita akan terkeluar kata2 or buat perkara2 yg akan hurt dia.
2- kita terlalu care pasal dia sampai segala yg dia buat kita nak he does it perfectly (as per our definition of perfect) and when he slipped (or buat tak ikut cara kita), kita akan cpt nak marah.
3- Kita lalai... kita lupa yg kita kena sentiasa jaga hati dia lebih dr segala2nya sbb dia org yg sgt kita syg.
From these 3 reasons, when i read back, baru i realized that actually, key point nye ialah...words yg kluar dr mulut kita....apa2 pun reason, kita merajuk ke, kita care ke, bila kita nak tegur dia atau merajuk dgn dia, kita kena tapis ayat2 kita...and tapis intonasi kita.
Kalau betul kita syg kan seseorang, mesti kita boleh ckp baik2 kan? Malaysia Boleh! Saya pun boleh!!!
:) :) :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Notes on Humairah's development.
1- She has strong support of her head since birth. The tulang belulang all very strong and actually she already started stretching he legs and hands when she was still in my belly (esp during the 6th to 8th mth when she was strong enuf and still have much space to dance in there).
3- at 2.5mths she started to flip (meniarap...)and when lying on her tummy she can hold her head steadily and can lift his head and shoulders sambil goyang2 kaki (mcm nak berenang). i witnessed her 1st meniarap through our 3G eye. Our maid resigned b4 i started working (after cnfinmnt) so sementara nak dpt alternative me & DH gilir2 cuti jaga Humairah. When DH jaga Humairah, I dial up our 3Geye to see what's happening at home. Tiba2 I saw Humairah meniarap dgn susah payah nak angkat kepala yg dah terjerumus kat tilam lepas dia berjaya memusingkan badan... I was so shocked and panic terus call my DH. Rupa2nya DH kat dapur tgh nak masak air, terus pegi tgk Humairah...and he actually dengar Humairah bersuara mcm bersusah payah, mcm meneran2 gitu...rupa2nya cubaan meniarap. I tot its a fast one...2.5mths dah meniarap... ni gambar Humairah meniarap - among the attempts masa memula blajar lah...

4- At 3mths she started rolling over... and she started to having flu every now and then...4months plus she was admitted kat Tawakal and kena go trough suction and nebulizer...kesian sgt...ni gambar kat hospital...
5- I started intro her solid food when she reaches 5 months, sbb susu seemed never enough for her. She was exclusively breastfed fr birth till 3 months, lepas raya, terpaksa campur coz Humairah refused to have frozen bm. tak sedap kot...puas dah paksa... so membazir je berpuluh2 oz i stocked up during confinement. bila 4 mths plus mcm dah tak cukup2 minum susu esp at night, pada hal siang at least 12oz bm plus 6 to 8 oz formula dia minum, so Mama pun advised to try solid on her... her 1st bite was farleys biscuit campur bm... :) dia marah2 coz lambat sangat dia nak telan sbb kaedah menyudu agak lambat compare to minum susu...ni gambar dia trying theething biscuit, on her 1st day of solid food...and also a recent photo of her makan bubur sampai comot... she really enjoy makan...
7- 6months ngam2 dia tumbuh gigi...gigi bawah...a week after that tumbuh satu lg gigi...yeay!!! patut lah she demam and merengek ngada2 everynight a week before that...ni gambar nak tunjuk gigi but cannot see larrr...
8- Now at 6 months plus dia dah start nak berdiri, now dah pakai walker yg Bank Muamalat bg masa birth...Humairah paling suka nak bergayut kat tv rack, so we dont dare to leave her alone in front of the tv anymore...kitorg buka balik playpen yg dah bungkus hari tu and put her in there while we solat or bz at the kitchen...tp kejap je lah, dia senyap playing wth her toys like 3 mins then menjerit2 minta keluar.... ni gambar2 si kecik in her playpen....

ahhhhh lega.... dah siap buat notes ni...dr dulu nak buat sbb takut lupa...so tats for birth to 6mths development. for 7mth to 12th mth tatau lah lagi , kan.... :)
2- At about 2 months she gurgles and coos... bukan sikit2 tp becok sangat! Dah 2bulan lebih sikit, dia borak baby talk dgn kita siap ketawa2 lagi...
3- at 2.5mths she started to flip (meniarap...)and when lying on her tummy she can hold her head steadily and can lift his head and shoulders sambil goyang2 kaki (mcm nak berenang). i witnessed her 1st meniarap through our 3G eye. Our maid resigned b4 i started working (after cnfinmnt) so sementara nak dpt alternative me & DH gilir2 cuti jaga Humairah. When DH jaga Humairah, I dial up our 3Geye to see what's happening at home. Tiba2 I saw Humairah meniarap dgn susah payah nak angkat kepala yg dah terjerumus kat tilam lepas dia berjaya memusingkan badan... I was so shocked and panic terus call my DH. Rupa2nya DH kat dapur tgh nak masak air, terus pegi tgk Humairah...and he actually dengar Humairah bersuara mcm bersusah payah, mcm meneran2 gitu...rupa2nya cubaan meniarap. I tot its a fast one...2.5mths dah meniarap... ni gambar Humairah meniarap - among the attempts masa memula blajar lah...

4- At 3mths she started rolling over... and she started to having flu every now and then...4months plus she was admitted kat Tawakal and kena go trough suction and nebulizer...kesian sgt...ni gambar kat hospital...
5- I started intro her solid food when she reaches 5 months, sbb susu seemed never enough for her. She was exclusively breastfed fr birth till 3 months, lepas raya, terpaksa campur coz Humairah refused to have frozen bm. tak sedap kot...puas dah paksa... so membazir je berpuluh2 oz i stocked up during confinement. bila 4 mths plus mcm dah tak cukup2 minum susu esp at night, pada hal siang at least 12oz bm plus 6 to 8 oz formula dia minum, so Mama pun advised to try solid on her... her 1st bite was farleys biscuit campur bm... :) dia marah2 coz lambat sangat dia nak telan sbb kaedah menyudu agak lambat compare to minum susu...ni gambar dia trying theething biscuit, on her 1st day of solid food...and also a recent photo of her makan bubur sampai comot... she really enjoy makan...
6- She started crawling steadily at 5.5mths. Abis satu rumah dia explore....
7- 6months ngam2 dia tumbuh gigi...gigi bawah...a week after that tumbuh satu lg gigi...yeay!!! patut lah she demam and merengek ngada2 everynight a week before that...ni gambar nak tunjuk gigi but cannot see larrr...
8- Now at 6 months plus dia dah start nak berdiri, now dah pakai walker yg Bank Muamalat bg masa birth...Humairah paling suka nak bergayut kat tv rack, so we dont dare to leave her alone in front of the tv anymore...kitorg buka balik playpen yg dah bungkus hari tu and put her in there while we solat or bz at the kitchen...tp kejap je lah, dia senyap playing wth her toys like 3 mins then menjerit2 minta keluar.... ni gambar2 si kecik in her playpen....

ahhhhh lega.... dah siap buat notes ni...dr dulu nak buat sbb takut lupa...so tats for birth to 6mths development. for 7mth to 12th mth tatau lah lagi , kan.... :)
to humairah, awak buat ibu jadi rajin dan lebih responsible dan lebih sensitive and lebih byk membebel...hahahhaha....u have changed me sayang. ibu sayang humairah sangat2...
to abah humairah, although i asyik membebel lately, u hv to know tat u r the best! kalau ada pertandingan suami terbaik, u mesti menang no 1. love u so much...
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