Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2nd Wed Anniversary!

23rd Aug 2010- Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to DH and myself!
Bila bgtahu mama, its our 2nd anny, mama kata”baru 2 tahun??? Mcm dah bertahun2 je korang ni dah kawen” hehehe…
Celebrations? Takde pun. We both cuti, coz nak hantar anakanda tercinta yg high maintenance tu jumpa dermatologist. Plan nye lepas appointment tu, terus hantar bibik & sikecik balik, then kitorg pegi beli handbag yg DH janji nak hadiahkan. Then I want to buy some baju for myself yg semakin mengembang ni. I don’t have anything on that day physically as a present for DH, not even a card (terukkan?). So I planned to spend a good dinner to celebrate. Guess what? Harapan indah tu semua musnah sbb appointment abes dah pukul 5, dgn traffic jam semua, we arrived home at 6:30. Tp I was so surprised to see a bouquet of fresh lilies & roses depan pintu rumah. Bouquet paling besar dlm sejarah yg pernah di terima.
Ended up berbuka kat rumah, tapau nasi goring ayam. I asked DH whether he wanted to go out lepas maghrib, dua2 pun dah kepenatan. Wpun rasa bersalah sbb tkde apa2 pun I prepared for him on the special day, tp he got the hint already yg I have ordered something special for him that can only be delivered to him a week before raya. I know he’ll love it so much.
Hmmm last two years, on our wedding day … I had lots of questions in my head. Fear and worried of uncertainties. But was praying for things to turn out to be better. The only reason I wanted to marry him was HIM. Coz he is the best man I never imagine I’ll meet. Coz I love him unconditionally and I know he’ll make me happy for the rest of my life. Because of that, I ignore the fact that the other factors were not good to my decision (to marry him). Instead of concern at the possibilities I’ll be facing hard time handling his circle, I just shut the worries off, just be myself and leave it to The Creator. Keep praying asking for His blessings so that they will look at me for who I am. Lihat guna mata hati …
Alhamdulillah, dah 2 tahun berlalu… takde apa yg lebih membahagiakan dari perkahwinan ini. Allah permudahkan segala2nya utk semua.
Semoga kasih sayang ini akan lebih kuat dari ke hari. Amin.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Segala Pujian Tertinggi bagi Allah yg Maha Memberi dan Mengasihi.

I got the letter on Friday- got the promotion.
Sangat terharu sbb Allah beri juga rezeki ni pd hamba Nya yg selalu lalai dan degil ni.
Terima Kasih Allah.
Semoga dekat hati ini dgn Mu.
Semoga slowly hamba Mu ini akan menjadi lebih baik setiap hari.
Semoga setiap udara Mu yg ku sedut akan membuang segala yg negative dlm diri ini.
Semoga setiap denyutan nadi yg Kau pinjamkan ini akan menarik segala yg positive disekelilingku ke dlm hati dan berkesan ke setiap tindakan ku.