Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Peanut's heartbeat...

Senget sikit.... dah start ke? hehehehe we go....for the first time ever i heard the sound of unborn's heartbeat. And it was so very special because the baby is mine. It was so amazing to see a tiny spot moving or actually beating and producing fast, double my own heartbeat.

So now I introduce you to my baby.... so small, I can barely see him (fr now on I'll refer my baby as HE/HIM- for reference purposes only). Not sure whether his babah can see him, coz babah tak pakai contact lense dah 2 weeks sbb infection...but ibu can see him very clearly when the doc explained to us.

*Note- This blog was pending for almost 5 months...hehehehe.... and I hv decided not to continue writing it. Will post it as it is....but will continue writing new topics...(i tak janji....ok!)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Happiest Moment!

It was 21st of Oct 2008. 5am...dah tak boleh tido. Terus bangun, grabbed the home pregnancy test I bought the day before. Berdebar2, but actually I was quite confident that I am pregnant. I was late for about 2 weeks and the aching at some part of my body- never experience it before, made me think that I am pregnant.
I was in the toilet, staring at the stick every single second while praying for the 2nd line to appear... slowly it appeared and I cant believe my eyes. there's one second I tot it was just my imagination, and another second I tot it was a shadow or reflection of the lampu kalimantang (betul ke ejaan ni?). It was real... I cried. I was so happy and at the same time I was touched. One thing in my mind (heart maybe...)... I pray hard to God for this. I did so many crazy things... I disobey Him in many ways, tapi Dia Maha Pengasih... Dia tetap berikan apa yang aku minta. Syahdu sgt rasanya pagi tu.
Aku kejutkan MyLove. While crying I hugged him. Dia terjaga, dia ingat aku nangis sbb test tu negative. Di usap kepala aku. Bila aku show dia the stick with 2 lines, terkejut sgt dia. He hugged me and we cried together.
Allah Maha Agung. Friends and fmly who knows my past experience, would be very happy to know this very shocking news. Even my Gynea told me this pregnancy is special. Not many endometriosis patient can conceive. God is Great.
When I went to see doctor, I was 5th, going to 6th week. Now am still in my 6th week. Nxt Monday will be 7th.
So far I dont experience nausea, or headache or senang cerita the very popular morning sickness. Selera makan pun sama je. Cuma bila late evening I'll feel really tired, dan takde selera makan. Last week, I skip dinner because I dont have appetite to eat, but at 4 in the morning aku terjaga just because I feel something funny in my stomach, wooppps in my belly to be more accurate. Macam cramp I knew, I need to eat before I go to bed or else I'll loose my sleep. Yesterday was quite bad. At 6pm I felt so tired. Sampai rumah mak, aku terus mandi and solat magrib. Lepas solat aku baring atas katil and rasa mcm nak demam. Lesu sgt, and terus tertidur. Kejap2 aku terjaga sebab mak dtg paksa aku mkn, then MyLove tampalkan koyok, tak lama MyLove suapkan susu ANMUM...memang tak larat...but when I woke up this morning, I feel very energetic. Pelik. Maybe its not morning sickness am having, its night/evening sickness maybe.
Anyway, my fear of getting bigger dah takde. Aku enjoy apa yg Allah bagi ni. Its totally a new experience. Semoga aku akan beroleh kebaikan dari experience ni, and aku harap semuanya sempurna dan baik utk baby dlm perut peanut.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Brown Destiny's Child

My Azman has a pair of brown eyes too.... :-*

Till my next blog jom nyanyi ramai2 lagu ni dulu....

Now nak balik nak tlg Mak buat kuih raya malam ni...before that nak visit my new born nephew...adik ipar aku Ita baru je delivered 3:25pm tadi.

Remember the first day when I saw your face

remember the first day when you smiled at me

you stepped to me and then you said to me

I was the woman you dreamed about

remember the first day when you called my house

remember the first day when you took me out

we had butterflies although we tried to hide

and we both had a beautiful night

The way we held each others hand

the way we talked the way we laughed

it felt so good to find true love

I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you see that he cares for me

you see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts

and he's missing me if he's not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

Remember the first day, the first day we kissed

remember the first day we had an argument

we apologized and then we compromised

and we haven't argued since

remember the first day we stopped playing games

remember the first day you fell in love with me

it felt so good for you to say those words

cause I felt the same way too

The way we held each others hand

the way we talked the way we laughed

it felt so good to fall in love

and I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you see he cares for me

you see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts

and he's missing me if he's not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

i'm so happy so happy that you're in my life

and baby now that you're a part of me

you showed me

showed me the true meaning of love

and i know he loves me

I know that he loves me cause he told me so

I know that he loves me cause his feelings show

when he stares at me you see that he cares for meyou see how he is so deep in love

I know that he loves me cause its obvious

I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts

and he's missing me if he's not kissing me

and when he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul

He looks at me and his brown eyes tell his soul

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pak Cik Zakaria.

Somewhere in 2006, keadaan hidup masa tu memaksa aku menumpang rumah sewa kakak dan kwn2nya di Setiawangsa.
Lama2, maybe sbb aku berkelakuan baik, aku telah diterima menjadi penyewa tetap bilik tengah rumah tersebut. Illa adalah room mate aku masa tu.
Pakcik Zakaria ialah salah seorang guard di apartment tersebut.

Yang aku boleh ingat, hari2 aku keluar masuk pass by guardhouse, adalah aku perasan sorang guard yg paling kecil and cute, putih2 dan umurnya confirm lagi tua dari abah. Aku mmg sgt skeptikal dgn guards sbb dulu kat PPP aku slalu gaduh dgn mak guard and pak guard. Brape kali aku masuk bilik kaunseling sbb gaduh dgn guards...hehehe.Pada aku, keje guards ni adalah mencari salah org. So aku stakat angkat tgn tanda hormat je lah everytime lalu kat guardhouse...nak senyum lebih2 ke apa ke, sorry lah.

Till one day, pakcik Zakaria tahan keta aku...aku ingat dia mcm guards2 sblm ni yg akan marah2... skali tu, dia dgn sgt hormat tanye knape aku tak beli sticker kalau aku dah permanent duduk situ. Aku pun ckp lah aku tak dia suruh aku beli sticker RM5 and bole pkai for life. Mula dari situ lah kitaorg jadi kwn.

Pagi2 bila aku pegi keje, bila dia on duty, aku mesti stop kejap and turunkan tingkap n say hi to him... tanye few standard "pakcik dah breakfast?" dia pun mesti byk nak cerita...paling slalu, dia mesti marah aku sbb lambat pegi keje....never fail...mesti aku perlahan kan keta and borak dgn dia, wpun aku dah lambat sgt.... wpun ada keta que kat belakang, still aku akan slowdown and at least say hi to him... itu dah jadi routine, wajib bagi aku.

Sama juga everytime balik kerja or nak masuk ke apartment... mesti borak2 dgn dia. Kalau aku keluar makan, aku akan beli kan teh tarik and kuih ke utk dia and partner dia keje time tu. Bila dah baik dgn pakcik Zakaria... guard2 lain mula baik dgn aku. Pakcik Wahab pun dah start tahan aku utk borak2... seronok bila ada org tua yg berkawan dgn kita bila org tua kita sendiri jauh dr pandangan kita. Everytime aku nak keluar malam, mesti dia tanye pukul brape nak balik... then bila aku balik lambat, dia akan membebel mcm seorang ayah marahkan anak.

Yang paling best, bila ada visitor/ kawan2 nak dtg visit kat rumah, bila bgtau nombor rumah, terus ckp "oooo rumah reen"... hehehehe, padahal aku baru je join Kakak, Kikin and Illa yg dah lama duduk rumah tu. Skali rumah tu dah jadi rumah aku plak...hehhehehe...

Kat rumah tu, aku slalunye yg paling awal bangun. Tak kira lah hari kerja ke, cuti ke... and aku suka buat activity pagi. Bila aku basuh baju kat foyer blakang, kejap je pakcik Zakaria dah dtg, borak2 dgn aku...kdg2 aku complain jugak dlm hati sbb bila masanye aku nak start masukkan panties and bras aku kt dlm machine tu kalau dah dia duduk depan pintu belakang tu...

Sometimes aku jog kat dlm compound apartment tu. Dia lah yang akan jadi tukang kira. Hari 1st dia bagi aku target 10 round. The next time aku jog dia naik kan 15 round. Setiap kali aku pass by the guard house dia buat count down la utk aku...hehehhe...

Day by day we create stronger bonding. Dia dah macam ayah aku. Bila lama aku balik kampung atau tak balik rumah, dia akan cari aku. Sama lah mcm aku... bila dia lama tak datang kerja, aku notice dan akan tanya pada pakcik Wahab atau pakcik2 lain. Bila puasa, aku akan beli food utk dia dan pakcik2 lain...dia pernah bagi aku kuih utk berbuka. Pernah skali adik psycho block depan tu mengamuk, aku cpt2 call dia minta tolong. Dia akan dtg cepat2 dpn rumah kitaorg. Makesure semua ok.

Dan apa saja berita hangat dan terkini yg berlaku kat kawasan tu, dia akan report kat aku...pasal polis dtg tahan satu fmly kat rumah atas sbb case dadah la, polis tahan worker indon yg buat construction kat salah satu rumah kat situ- dia cukup marah dgn polis tu.

Dia pernah ajak aku ke kenduri kawin anak dia, tp aku tak dtg... dan dia juga yg beriya2 tlg carikan rumah utk aku. Masa tu aku tgh cari rumah nak beli...

Till one day, aku decided nak keluar dr bilik tu dan berpindah ke tempat lain... aku slowly pindah dan the last day aku balik ke rumah tu aku lupa nak inform pakcik Zakaria.

Sebelum pindah, aku sempat belikan setiap sorang pakcik guard sebijik cake dan butang baju melayu utk hari raya sebagai hadiah hari raya dr kami seisi rumah... itupun mulanya aku nak belikan utk pakcik Zakaria je, tp dah alang2 aku belikan utk semua...

Dari sehari ke sehari aku nak buat suprise visit kat dia tp aku keep postponing. Hanya slm aku smpaikan through kwn2. Kwn2 kata, pakcik asyik tanye aku. Dekat2 puasa hari tu kwn2 kata dia masuk hospital...HKL. Lagi lah buatkan aku rasa bersalah sbb aku tak sungguh2 nak put effort pegi jumpa dia. Aku plan nak pegi visit, tp terus lupa sbb aku was so busy palnning for my akad nikah.

Last week, aku berbuka dgn kwn2 kat Plaza Damas. Aktiviti lama kitorg masa bulan puasa. tgh2 mkn, aku tanyekan pakcik Zakaria dah sihat ke? Diorg dgn terkedu bgtau Pakcik Zakaria dah meninggal...sblm puasa...

Senyap. Telan air liur. Menyesal sbb tak sempat jumpa. Sedih. Airmata keluar sikit2 smbil aku habiskan juadah berbuka. Aku simpan rasa yg tak tentu arah tu dlm2 kat hati sbb tanak spoil kan mood berbuka tu.

Lepas buka, dan solat kat Mawi, aku jemput hubby Azman kat office. Dia buka pintu keta aku terus nangis teresak2...mcm budak kecik... perasaan yg sama aku rasa masa arwah atuk Adam aku pergi. Aku cukup terkilan. Marah pd diri sendiri. Aku terlalu selfish... Aku suka bertangguh. Sgt terkilan...

Thats how sebuah relation yg aku anggap unik, ended.

Azman ckp ... 'dah... stop crying. tak elok meratap pemergian dia. Best thing is to sedekah kan segala pahala bacaan Al-Fatihah atau amalan2 lain utk arwah...' itu lah yg mampu aku buat utk arwah pakcik Zakaria skrg. Aku masih terkilan. Bergenang air mata setiap kali teringatkan dia. Aku cuma harap aku boleh accept kenyataan ni cpt2. Aku tak nak jadi mcm masa aku kehilangan arwah Atuk Adam. Hingga saat ni aku ttp anggap dia ada lagi di kampung... yg aku dah tak pernah jejak sejak dia pergi in 1997. Takut terima kenyataan yg dia betul2 dah takde.

Sgt Sedih....

*AL-FATIHAH utk Arwah Pakcik Zakaria dan Arwah Atuk Adam bin Karim....

The Happy Ending is the New Beginning...

Its 5 mins to 12...I am all hungry, in front of my laptop... just had a meeting with my boss and the Finance team. My boss was so happy with Aug report, he laughed and made jokes through out the meeting. He even and sang an old song - that is his sign of GOOD MOOD. Since today mr Boss is in good mood, he has long que waited outside his room... to take advantage on the good weather..hehehehe.

Its Ramadhan, cant remember how many days I have fasting...but I really enjoy it. Last 2 days I had my mensus. It tells me 2 things: one, I cannot puasa for at least 7 days, and that is also the amount of days I have to ganti later...huhuhu... two, I am not pregnant...hehehe. Takde lah frust sgt, because I expect that... of course lah...after the hectic schedule; wedding (thank you to all who being there, put so much effort to make it), then travelling north to Phuket for the Honeymoon...then back to KL for my party- my 31st bday...d crazy 2 days non stop partying . Lepas tu terus puasa... conceived? No, I dont think so...hahahhaha...

Hhmmm so now I'm married. I am a 'Puan'. Puan Azreen. Had that tittle before, but this time is sooo muchhh different. I really feel it this time. Being a wife to a great man. Azman. He is an ordinary guy with a big heart. We share so much in common. We are both Virgo. So if you really understand and believe in Zodiac... you'll know how lucky we are to find each other...being bestfriends, falling in love and get married. God is the greatest. Tat summarized my feelings...( of being married to my husband).

My life is almost complete. I hv my Azman now almost 24hrs a day besides me. Not only him, I have the parents, and the new whole family now. Thank you Allah. Always believe in your faith... I know there's something for me at the end of the bumpy and slippery road u asked me to follow few years back. I've learnt so much through out the journey.

Its a new beginning for us... I just want a simple journey, to love and be loved by people around me... to give and share ...

God bless us, insyaAllah.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Little One

As I am writing this 1st little post, my mind is very much occupied with the outstandings of my big event to happen in 3 to 4 weeks time. Yes there are check list and timeline, but still the worries and the more worries of everything or nothing hv overwrite the excitement and the "can't wait" feelings.
I am getting married to the guy I love on 23rd Aug 2008...(know u understand...huh?). Since this is the 2nd marriage for both us, it is very meaningful and I wanted it to be simple at the same time. The fact that we had rough past, and paid lots of RM for that, we decided to have the ceremony as simple as possible but sweet and meaningful.
We plan, decide and do everything together. We are too old to ask for parents' assistance. Only great friends, brothers and sisters we dare to bother. Luckily we have many with great hearts. Yati will do the deco, sis Nur will lead the committees who responsible to manage the hall and guests arrival, lil bro and afiq were our witness on paper, and kak zie managed to get card printed for free!!!
Still I am stressed out. The day is getting closer and my work is getting crazier. Handling the divisional's budget and finance matters ALONE, is already demanding 90% of my 24hrs a day, and now August will reach us in 3 days, and my life will be more than miserable. August is Business Plan's month. My boss has forwarded me a copy of Company's Direction for Biz Plan 2009 and he wished me the best of luck to kick off the fun and happening Biz Plan 2009 brainstorming session which will start tomorrow. Gosshhhh.... I tot the idea of informing him earlier on my plan to take long leave for my wedding will make him understand tat I wont be able to be part of the team... I am wrong. 100%. He instead pull the brainstorming session date earlier, so that I could join him and the team stay back and think, and cruching the numbers and gather the facts and project the 2009 figures. All these must happen before my wedding day. Damn!!!
But GOD is great. He sent a wonderful and great guy to me. He sent Azman to me. Azman never complaint when he has to go to Masjid settle our things alone when I have meetings marathon at my office. He even went to the tailor alone to pass the kain ela we bought the day earlier. He did so much for our wedding. Thank you GOD.
I wish everything gonna be smooth as we planned. I wish to be happy for the rest of our live. Although some ppl just cannot accept us, tat is fine with me. We know where are we heading to. We have plans and love and so much care for each other. We are just two little person who crave for true love and blessing fr GOD.