Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Random things that have acrossed my mind…for the past 2 weeks…

1- Time flies so fast…my Humairah dah 10 going to 11 mth. She has more teeth, more skills, more perangai. Next month she’ll be 1. So excited to plan for her party. Small pon kira party kan?

2- For the 1st time in my life, I haven’t spent my duit bonus for myself yet(selepas 2 bulan menerima bonus). Terer kan? *tepuk tangan kuat2*. Because DH and I have some plan, I somehow think that plan is much2 more important than spending it now.

3- Hmmmm thinking of an alternative stream of income. Perhaps an online biz. Not trading materials but service(s). Before that, I have to brush up some skills. Courses to attend seriously!
4- Happy to have Kimora’s coming back. I was addicted to her (her reality series) while pregnant. I don’t look up at her ke apa… I just love to watch her dress up, put on make ups and seronok tgk dia kalut handle biz and her life. Now that she’s back, I am watching her with my Humairah pulak…last time sikecik tu kat dlm perut J. Besides, I have something to watch at night besides The Kardashians. Well Giulianna & Bill pon not bad.

5- Kimora also a bf mother. She pumps while having a photo shoot. I mean dia take a break and pump…

6- It’s not easy to get a good tenant. Kalau dah masa nak view the house pon datang 2 jam lambat, bayangkan kalau time diorg nak bayar sewa nanti…mahu 2 bulan tak bayar sewa. So we have to be selective… biar lambat asal tak pening kepala for long term.

7- My sis (who live in my house temporarily) is not in good cond with my maid… it is quite a hard time jugak nak handle that crisis.

8- Dah about 2 weeks tak cukup tidur coz Humairah asyik bagun 2, 3 kali at night mengigau, menangis2 and pusing satu katil.

9- I tried tudung syiria and kind of love it.

10- I should hug my DH more.

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