Sunday, August 17, 2008

Little One

As I am writing this 1st little post, my mind is very much occupied with the outstandings of my big event to happen in 3 to 4 weeks time. Yes there are check list and timeline, but still the worries and the more worries of everything or nothing hv overwrite the excitement and the "can't wait" feelings.
I am getting married to the guy I love on 23rd Aug 2008...(know u understand...huh?). Since this is the 2nd marriage for both us, it is very meaningful and I wanted it to be simple at the same time. The fact that we had rough past, and paid lots of RM for that, we decided to have the ceremony as simple as possible but sweet and meaningful.
We plan, decide and do everything together. We are too old to ask for parents' assistance. Only great friends, brothers and sisters we dare to bother. Luckily we have many with great hearts. Yati will do the deco, sis Nur will lead the committees who responsible to manage the hall and guests arrival, lil bro and afiq were our witness on paper, and kak zie managed to get card printed for free!!!
Still I am stressed out. The day is getting closer and my work is getting crazier. Handling the divisional's budget and finance matters ALONE, is already demanding 90% of my 24hrs a day, and now August will reach us in 3 days, and my life will be more than miserable. August is Business Plan's month. My boss has forwarded me a copy of Company's Direction for Biz Plan 2009 and he wished me the best of luck to kick off the fun and happening Biz Plan 2009 brainstorming session which will start tomorrow. Gosshhhh.... I tot the idea of informing him earlier on my plan to take long leave for my wedding will make him understand tat I wont be able to be part of the team... I am wrong. 100%. He instead pull the brainstorming session date earlier, so that I could join him and the team stay back and think, and cruching the numbers and gather the facts and project the 2009 figures. All these must happen before my wedding day. Damn!!!
But GOD is great. He sent a wonderful and great guy to me. He sent Azman to me. Azman never complaint when he has to go to Masjid settle our things alone when I have meetings marathon at my office. He even went to the tailor alone to pass the kain ela we bought the day earlier. He did so much for our wedding. Thank you GOD.
I wish everything gonna be smooth as we planned. I wish to be happy for the rest of our live. Although some ppl just cannot accept us, tat is fine with me. We know where are we heading to. We have plans and love and so much care for each other. We are just two little person who crave for true love and blessing fr GOD.

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