Tuesday, January 12, 2010

apa yg u tak suka...

This morning, in the car, while DH was driving and complaining about the slow Honda, and I was holding Humairah in my arms, I made a statement to DH, with an intention to let him know this...

Me: Syg, u ni memang baik hati...lembut... dan segala2nya best lah, tp kan ada 2 things dlm dunia ni yg akan buat u bertukar menjadi monster... monster yg paling I menyampah sekali dlm dunia.

DH: Apa dia?

Me: One- while u r driving and the traffic is bad or ada apa2 yg membuatkan u lambat. No.2 bila you sinuse...bersin tak berhenti2. Betul tak?

DH: Hehehehe...

Me: I plak?

DH: Apa dia?...u plak apa?

Me: Ye lah, bila yg u rasa I akan bertukar menjadi monster? Perkara apa?

DH: Oooo u mean things yg akan buat u marah?

Me: Ha'ah.

DH: Hmmmm...ntah lah sayang, I rasa u sama je...all d time pon marah...hehehehe...

Me: :P Kurang Asam...

hmmm actually wpun DH bergurau, I kind of accept the fact tat I am getting more cranky towards him nowadays. Tak boleh salah sikit... padahal he's the closest person, the one who loves me the most, suami yg sgt rajin dan sgt understanding. Knapa ek kita slalu nak hurt org yg paling syg and rapat dgn kita? I have no intention to do that. In fact every second I pray for our love to become stronger day by day. He's in the toplist of my everything, my prayers, my life. Hmmm...I came into a conclusion that mmg its a norm kita prone to hurt org yg kita syg more compared to others sbb:-

1- kita nak attention. a.k.a nak mengada2 n manja2 lebih sket. dr nak merajuk or ngengada sikit sometimes terover, terus kita akan terkeluar kata2 or buat perkara2 yg akan hurt dia.

2- kita terlalu care pasal dia sampai segala yg dia buat kita nak he does it perfectly (as per our definition of perfect) and when he slipped (or buat tak ikut cara kita), kita akan cpt nak marah.

3- Kita lalai... kita lupa yg kita kena sentiasa jaga hati dia lebih dr segala2nya sbb dia org yg sgt kita syg.

From these 3 reasons, when i read back, baru i realized that actually, key point nye ialah...words yg kluar dr mulut kita....apa2 pun reason, kita merajuk ke, kita care ke, bila kita nak tegur dia atau merajuk dgn dia, kita kena tapis ayat2 kita...and tapis intonasi kita.
Kalau betul kita syg kan seseorang, mesti kita boleh ckp baik2 kan? Malaysia Boleh! Saya pun boleh!!!
:) :) :)

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